3 years ago

I've been to this facility multiple times with my ...

I've been to this facility multiple times with my pets. I will admit, sometimes the people here are friendly and sometimes the bedside manner is somewhat lacking. That being said, this is an emergency facility. You can expect that emotions are going to be running high, animals that come here are in dire need of medical care, and the vets who work here are under duress and work all hours of the night for our convenience. To complain about the cost, to me, is very disrespectful. I am not made of money, I have internally gasped at some of the prices I have had to pay, but to complain about it would be absolutely ungrateful to a facility dedicated to taking pets after hours. After all, what would I have done without them? I would have certainly lost some of my beloved pets who are also a part of my family. I for one am just downright thankful they are here at all and the amount of stress that has been removed from my life because of the convenience of this walk in facility is immeasurable. I laugh at some of the complaints about pricing because most of the complaints are on bills half the cost of the bills I have received, and frankly I'm sure that I don't make much more than the people who are complaining. I may have to eat beans for dinner, but am I going to complain about vets who work tirelessly to save the life of my beloved pets? No, that would be absolutely inappropriate on every level. I am just completely grateful.


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