4 years ago

A school that prioritizes safety and developing go...

A school that prioritizes safety and developing good skills, decision making, and pilot ability in those that train with them. Knowing that many students attend here in hopes of pursuing careers in aviation, it is apparent that they strive to ensure these students are well prepared for the professional industry. As someone who has experienced training at more than one flight school in Ontario, I can confidently say that my ability and confidence as a pilot has drastically increased from my time as a PPL renter, through CPL and advanced training, and later into a career at this school specifically.

Also, to quickly correct Greg's comment, with the actual wording from the email sent out to customers of the school:

"...We are running a promotion from March 01, 2019 to June 30. 2019.
Leave us a review (preferably good, or if bad come and talk with [school staff]) on Google reviews or Facebook reviews.
All reviews between the above dates, with the corresponding invoice dates are eligible for a monthly draw.
We will draw the one hour of free single aircraft time monthly."

So, in actuality, it appears that the school is not looking to bribe students, but more so looking for genuine feedback from the many customers they have seen over many years. As a thank you, they wish to offer a bonus to reviews good OR bad.


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