Jerome Jr

4 years ago

Unbiased response: Much love to all of you and wha...

Unbiased response: Much love to all of you and what you are doing here. Your changing lives and lifting spirits of people in need. I was on my lunch break at city park hanging casually with the geese when three representitives primarily from your GJ Church came up and practically paid for my lunch via a gift card and asked if I needed anything to pray about, indeed in this moment I did and asked to pray for my only brother whose been fighting for his life; see for awhile now ive been trying to connect with god and feel his presence and durring the end of a prayer by an angel called "Liz" theses words were spoken "May you give Jerome a sign that you are with him"-in short; and I realized this was my sign, it reminds me god is with me and he does love me and I felt his presense and comfort. God bless


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