
3 years ago

Lived in two different Unipol accommodations. The ...

Lived in two different Unipol accommodations. The first was a 16 bedroom house, with a single (albeit large) kitchen. This should've set off alarm bells but I was pretty desperate for a place and figured it wouldn't be too bad; I was wrong. The kitchen was permanently gross. This perhaps isn't directly Unipol's fault so much as the tenants, but it's Unipol who thought that 16 people sharing a single kitchen is a Good Idea. My bedroom was mouldy, and the rooms there had been subject to price hikes in the region of 10% year on year, well above inflation. The front and back doors were serious security concerns - the rear fire exit could be opened just by pulling forcefully and the front door could be opened by sticking your hand through the letterbox.

Second Unipol accommodation was mercifully just 4 rooms to a flat. However the bedroom contained bed bugs, left behind by the previous tenant, but not dealt with before I arrived. Mould is also a reoccurring problem. The internet has been temperamental at best, with frequent outages (again, this is not directly Unipol's fault as many Virgin customers have experienced similar in the neighbourhood, but it would've been nice if Unipol had arranged an ISP change or got us some money back for all the hours we've not had internet). The room here is also mouldy.

Positives: It's not too expensive, I guess.


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