Summer Vacation

4 years ago

I'm not discrediting the good work they do but I h...

I'm not discrediting the good work they do but I had a terrible experience that I will never surrender animals to them again and honestly have never been treated with such a lack of compassion as I was at the time. I was told I could bring in a large number of kittens that I rescued from an unfortunate situation and all were surrendered in Hope's of a better life for them i traveled hours with the poor babies got there with relief and happiness for them thinking they were going to have a chance at life. Not long after arriving I was told they all had to be euthanized as they had cat lice and they didn't have space to treat them...i offered them the dog crates that i had put them in to travel comfortably etc. Tried everything to save the poor babies and didn't even know if all the kittens had lice but was told had to assume they did since one tiny kitten did...I was wreck as I was fulfilling a dying wish to rehome and give them a better chance at life. Luckily a rescue group told me to bring them the kittens that LPF did not have room to treat but I was told by 2 officers at LPF that i could not take the kittens unless they were seen by a vet that night even after reassuring them that every one of the kittens would be seen by a vet the next day...mind you I traveled hours with the poor things spent a long time at LPF it was evening by then and had hours to travel back home and no vet would be open at 830 at night. I am in shock with the lack of compassion that was shown...not one person in my distress tears and all said I'm sorry about this I know how hard this must be etc...nothing!!! When the rescue group finally talked to LPF and told them what they wanted to hear I was finally allowed to travel hrs. back home with half of the kittens I came with to the rescue group that would save them...the kittens were seen by a vet the next day and guess what-not one of them had lice! Thd vet said it takes a microscope to view lice and takes alot of time and that the kittens only had dander and that lice is very treatable like fleas. And LPF went to the extent to say I was aggressive towards them when I was in tears trying everything offering anything I could to to save the poor babies! Again will not discredit the good they do but the experience was truly traumatizing and just utterly shocking the lack of compassion shown! Word of advice if youre surrendering an animal to them...make sure you know the animals overall health and your rights are as the person surrendering. Feeling helpless when trying to save these babies from death was terrible! Happy ending all kittens are healthy and adopted by wonderful families thanks to an amazing rescue group that had a heart! I will never think of LPF the same and can only pray the poor babies I had to leave behinde with them as the rescue group could not take the number of kittens I brought were not eunethenized and given a chance...terrible feeling when you thought you were giving them a chance and their lives were going to be ended! And if you cant have compassionate enough to see people's distress when told animals lived are going to be ended you shouldn't be in that line of work! I can only focus now on the poor kittens whose lives I know were spared and now have loving homes thanks to a wonderful compassionate rescue group!


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