Oakland McCulloch

3 years ago

I will never forget my negative experience with Sa...

I will never forget my negative experience with Safe Haven Security. Two years ago my wife and I purchased our first home. The home came equipped with ADT gear from the previous owners, but most of the gear was inactive. We still had things like an alarm we could set, and chimes when the doors and windows opened, but no monitoring.
About two weeks after we moved in, a guy showed up to my front door at 8PM (unsolicited). He showed me a badge that said "ADT" and asked if he could come in to talk about setting up my security system. He seemed nice enough, so I obliged.
Sitting in my living room, he spent 20 minutes telling me about this 'awesome deal' he had going on, but he could only offer me the deal tonight, other wise he would have to call ADT and tell them I wasn't interested and ADT would come and pull all of my gear. I didn't want to lose the ADT gear currently installed, and I wanted to get a security system anyway, but I told the guy that I needed to talk it over with my wife. He told me he could get a special extension to this deal, if I filled out the proper paperwork.
When he handed me the paper, it started asking for very detailed, personal information, like my social security number. I asked him if I could leave the SSN blank, and he told me that I had to fill out the form completely. **RED FLAG**
I started looking more closely at the paperwork and realized everything said "Safe Haven, an ADT Authorized Dealer." All this time, this person tried to give me the impression that he was an ADT employee, when in fact he was some third-party individual. It was at that point that I refused to go any further. I politely told him I wasn't interested, and that it was time for my wife and I to have dinner. I showed him to the door, and I thought that was the end of it.
The next day, I came out to find my truck keyed across the entire side, from back to front. I back my truck into the driveway, so this job was done by someone walking from my front door, away from my home. Only one culprit; Mr. Safe Haven.
I actually called ADT and asked them if they would ever come to pull ADT gear if someone decided they were no longer interested in monitoring service. They assured me the gear was MY property, and that they would never take it out of my home for any reason. So it turns out the Safe Haven dude is a liar and a vandal...
I filed a police report, then called the company to make a complaint. The repairs on my truck cost me over $500 to get the scratches out. I wanted some kind of resolution to this issue. The representative 'Johnathon Platz' said he would help me look into it, but I never heard back from them.
I installed security cameras recently, and thought about how I could have used the footage from this camera against Safe Haven. That's what reminded me to write this review.


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