Wendi Gates-Morgante

3 years ago


I can understand that people are upset with Lollypop for putting animals to sleep. BUT, who is going to pay for all the animals, their upkeep, their health, their housing? Are you ? Where are the no kill shelters? Do they have any room? Who funds them? Did you know the pets in no kill shelters live their lives in cages? Where is free roaming now? If Lollypop does not screen people thoroughly, the home the pet ends up in can be worse than being put to sleep. Lollypop clearly states to use Lollypop as a last resort.
The fault lies in the people who are not dedicated to keeping their pets AND taking care of them.
We have 8 rescue cats inside and maybe 5-8 outside (who are not fed or cared for, that neighbors own) We are taking care of with food and shelter, but no shots, no love, fighting, predators, parasites, and the like. People need to step up and take care of their pets, educate yourselves, your children and grandchildren, and keep your commitments. The issue is with the owners.
It's too bad that people can't be on the receiving end of this epidemic, instead of animals.


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