Rhonda Taylor

4 years ago

I have never had such a bad experience dining out ...

I have never had such a bad experience dining out as I had tonight at the Sports Grill. We were excited to try out the new restaurant. We go with two other couples. We put in our name and ask how long the wait is. We are told 20 mins. We go on the boat, for about 15 mins. thinking we will gamble after dinner. We go back to see how much longer and told it wont be long, another 15 min..we ask again and told 10 mins. While I am asking a guy butts in front of my and puts his name in for dinner. I commented "its a good thing I already had my name in, or I would be upset for him being so rude". So we wait even longer...now we are up to 2 hours! The two tables for 6 are now both open, but needing cleared. I ask the hostess if she could ask they clear the round table first. She said, yes. She went around to speak with the girl clearing the table. About that time a guy came over and started clearing the round table, I thought fine its just speeding up the process. NO..they both stopped and started clearing a little table for 4. She then goes back over and starts clearing the long table, she gets it clear and a group from ran over and sat down. No one told them to move! The other party of 6 ask if they can sit at the round table, another hostess say's yes! I told her, oh no we have been waiting for 2 hours and we were here before they were. She still takes them over to be seated. I look at the manager and told him, what was happening and he said, oh I'm sorry and sits us down in the back. Why did we have to wait 2 hours for that? If all they had to do was push two tables together, they could have done that the first 20 minutes we were there.
This is absolutely the worst place I have ever had the experience I suffered tonight. Had we not been so hungry and thinking that it would "only be a few more minutes" we would have left.
You better get someone in there that knows how to manage a restaurant or that place is not going to last 6 months.
I can guarantee you we will never be back again.
I am still so upset I can't believe I wasted that much time and the food was so terrible. I don't know which I am angrier about. That I waited that long, put up with all the crap and to top it off the food sucked!
Good luck with that place...let me know in 6 months when that place goes under how right I was!!!


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