Wendy McMullen

4 years ago

Do everything you can NOT to go to ICU there. My b...

Do everything you can NOT to go to ICU there. My boyfriend died there, the doctors were great. The NURSES----charge nurses---absolute bullies. Watch out for them...have the customer service at the hospital be your ally if you have to go there. DO NOT PUT UP with BULLY NURSES! Whatever you do. The whole experience 2 months ago traumatized our entire family. I will repeat: either do not go there if you have to be in ICU or your family member does. The Nurses in Charge are terrible! The regular nurses under their charge are wonderful. But the Charge nurses made our 5 days there a living hell. My boyfriend was a donor, so we needed to have him stay until the donor network could remove his body. Therefore he was still hooked up to machines and we still felt that his spirit was there. But during the 5 days we were there, we were constantly harassed by charge nurses. The rules change with every charge nurse."Yes, the 4 of you can be by your dying loved one at the same time" Second nurse: "What are you doing? You can't all come in here at the same time." Depending on the nurses EGO you can all come in and be by the side of your loved one while they are taking their dying breath. OR if you're unlucky (which I guarantee you will be if you stay there more than one day) Your emotions will be like a yo-yo even more so because the charge nurse will be watching your every move! And if you complain in front of anyone in ICU, you have the entire group of nurses mad dogging you from there desks is the center of ICU. As if having you loved one dying in front of you isn't traumatic enough. Depending on the EGO of the Charge nurse. Don't take any chances. DO NOT go to Santa Clara Valley Medical. DO NOT let your loved one near the place. Believe me, they'll clean up their act for awhile and then the nurses will begin the bullying and harassing once again. If you absolutely must be there or find yourself there because of a loved one; the SECOND you get a nurse bully go right to the Customer care unit and complain. Get someone on your side. Tell the doctors, they will go to bat for you. But DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT let the nurses bully you.


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