Amanda Manning

4 years ago

I went to the ER with severe level 9 pain in my lo...

I went to the ER with severe level 9 pain in my lower abdomen at 10:00 pm. I had an ectopic pregnancy and my OBGYN, who had diagnosed the ectopic pregnancy earlier that day, had said that severe pain could indicate a tubal rupture which is life threatening. At the reception desk I told them I had an ectopic pregnancy and that I was in severe pain. After about 15 minutes I was finally taken back to a room (remember a ruptured fallopian tube can be fatal if not treated immediately). Then they put an IV in and gave me a pain killer and left me in the room for 3 hours before doing an ultrasound to check if the tube had ruptured. During this time both nurses and the doctor questioned how I could know I had an ectopic pregnancy to which I explained each time that my OB had diagnosed it earlier in the day. After the ultrasound they said that I didn't have an ectopic pregnancy and it was a cyst. I was left in the room for another couple of hours before they did an internal exam which didn't show anything. At around 3 am we finally got them to call my OBGYN who told them that what they had thought was a cyst was the gestational sac of the embryo (there was no heart beat yet which was the only thing they were looking for). My OB recommended surgery to remove the fallopian tube since the amount of pain I was in indicated complications. at 10:00 am the following day I finally had surgery to remove the tube and the surgeon found the growing embryo in the tube. I also had some internal bleeding which was caused by the ectopic pregnancy and what was causing all of the pain I was in.

Once I was admitted and moved to the second floor into an actual room the nursing staff and the care I received was perfectly fine, until that point it was some of the worst care I have ever received from a medical facility.


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