Angela Heller

4 years ago

Had an incident one morning while taking my 1 year...

Had an incident one morning while taking my 1 year old to breakfast. I asked for his cup and was handed a cup that was not what I provided the day care with. I let the lady know it wasn't his and she responded "It has his name on it, this is the one he has been using." OK so they lost his cup, no big deal. BUT the cup she handed me was DIRTY, it was crusted with leftover food and still had liquid sitting inside the cup. I was upset and the director walked in and I let him know my problem. All he could say was "I assure you we abide by the utmost standards and your son would not have been served a dirty cup." This is a LIE because had I not been there she would have handed someone else a dirty cup who wouldn't have looked so closely and filled it with milk.
They were discussing the cup situation and the lady said, "whoever worked last night did not wash the cups." I looked around the cafeteria and watched multiple children sitting with their cups that were most likely NEVER WASHED the night before let alone even their cups! His solution was for me to buy another cup and he would pay for it. MY biggest problem was that had I not been there my child would have been drinking from a nasty DIRTY cup. They failed to assure me anything except that they are unable to abide by health standards and cannot take responsibility for THEIR mistakes. Ever since that day they were very unprofessional towards me and made me feel very uncomfortable to even bring my child to their facility. Their employees and head staff are lazy and irresponsible if they can't even handle to WASH a child's cup and CHECK to make sure their employees are doing their job correctly. I had to remove him from the daycare due to the negativity and didn't want my child to suffer as and outcast because THEY gave him a DIRTY cup that THEY didn't clean and I brought it to their attention. It's my job and my right to speak for my child and they did not respect that right and showed a lack of professionalism during and after the incident.


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