Nile Vincent

3 years ago

We brought our domestic shorthair white feline Bon...

We brought our domestic shorthair white feline Bonnie (9yr, 14 lb) to Mid Columbia Pet Emergency Service. It was a Sunday and she picked that day to have a hell-raising issue with her mouth...gouging her paws in her mouth, screaming bloody murder and bleeding...she finally settled down and we noticed a loose canine tooth on top...taking no chances...we took her there and noticed the tooth fell out in the carrier while waiting...all in all...her heart was strong, no temperature and she settled down...Dr Swick examined her mouth...inflamed...and tooth came totally out...nothing left dangling...recommended to see regular vet for the inflammation and follow up...

So, all was good...took her home and she's been fine all day...eating, drinking, resting, playing and sleeping...all good stuff!

We appreciated the quick service, reasonable exam fee and courteous demeanor of the receptionist, vet assistant and doctor...very professional and alert to any and all issues that was presented...

Another thing we seriously appreciated...their service didn't try to add any
add'l charges/padding the bill...etc...we've had problems with that in the past over the years...

Overall, a great service at a reasonable price on a day when ALL vets (like our regular one) are closed on Sunday...QUICK, PROFESSIONAL & COURTEOUS!...

Thanks so much...


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