4 years ago

Really, really bad experience.

Really, really bad experience.

We arrived with one car and two persons to catch an evening ferry (around 9pm) to Calais.
No signs at the streets or the entrance in which direction to go.
The people at the border control were nearly rude as we asked them for the right way to the ticket office. Maritime Security then separated us asked us if we had any knives. We said yes, as we had two normal, small knives for camping and eating. The lady confiscated them without any proper explanation. (Later on we checked with the legal restrictions for knives in GB and she was just wrong...) But it was too late and we were too tired to argue at the spot. And we definitely wouldn't have paid 30 GBP each to get them MAYBE back.

Next step on our search for the ticket office was a big place with several counters for drive thru but without any display panel which was the next departing ferry. (Later on we're told that all the displays were disposed. Ridiculous...)
So we just drove on the off chance to one of the ferry provider who ignored more or less our questions and just gave us a piece of paper with a ferry departing too late for us. At least he told us where the ticket office was.
In the ticket office we finally could ask (!! as it still was nowhere on display) the several providers which was the next departing ferry and we bought our ticket there. The nice lady told us that there were no signs or whatsoever due to the reconstruction of the harbour and she was well aware of the complaints of the passagers.

In comparison to Calais Harbour this was a very unpleasant experience and I definitely do not want to come back anytime soon.



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