Jared Adamczyk

3 years ago

I really thought the sculptures and lights were re...

I really thought the sculptures and lights were really well done and many looked beautiful and some even left me in awe.

I just didn't enjoy my overall experience. Starting right away with the parking situation. I was under the impression that I would be parking very near to where the China Lights were set up. Apparently that parking lot was closed right away and I had to continue down the road. The further away we got, the more irritated we became. So we ended up with quite a long walk just to get back to the China Lights.

Once inside, we quickly realized it wasn't going to get better. The place was jam packed with so many people that all movement was at a slow shuffle. I spent more time trying to keep our family together in the masses while having strollers and wheelchairs crashing into the back of my ankles than actually enjoying and taking in the sights and lights.

If we ever decide to check it out again, we have already decided we would get dropped off right at the gate, and hopefully it won't be as crowded next time either.


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