Paul Caballero

4 years ago

My wife and I live in Texas. Our ex daughter-in-l...

My wife and I live in Texas. Our ex daughter-in-law met a man online from South Carolina and after a couple of months decided to move to South Carolina along with her son. We warned her of some domestic violence cases against him but she moved anyway. We told her to leave our grandson with us and for her to move and get to know this man better and get things situated for her son. He is ADHD and is on medication. A month into her new relationship, the boyfriend beats up on the son. She keeps him out of school for a week but when he does go back to school administration call DSS because they notice bruises around the face and neck area. He is picked up by DSS and they take control. During this time we go through the approval procedures for kinship and get approved. We wanted him to be placed on our care but rather than place him with us he went to foster care. He has been in two different homes and its been going on eight months and he is still in foster care. Apparently from what I've been told by the guardian ad litem is that the mother and boyfriend have not finished their classes. Come on it's been more than seven months. The caseworker will speak to us but cannot divulge anything directly related to the case. We have not spoken to our grandson for two months. The caseworker has not returned messages left by me or the grandson's father. I just don't know why he was not placed with us at the time beating took place. Placing him back in that same atmosphere could result in a worse beating or he could end up doing something terrible. I just do not understand South Carolina's Department of Social Services.


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