Reviews 12
Most recent
3 years ago

Loved SGC. One of my roommates is still a super be...

Loved SGC. One of my roommates is still a super best friend. Learned to play bridge & won 2 bridge intramurals. Had some super professors (as well as some not so super) but will always have the fondest memories of that time. Joined the Drama Club which was a special experience. Was also co-editor of Elan ( our yearbook). Our mascot was a tiger and I helped to cover entrance to Richey Hall (a dorm then) with a huge tiger.

3 years ago

Great school and campus -my sons first year and I ...

Great school and campus -my sons first year and I could not be more greatful to the staff -specially the baseball coaching staff for taking care of my son and looking out for his best interest GO HAWKS -SGSC-coach JEFF TIMOTHY

3 years ago

This is THIS is the worst school EVER. If you are ...

This is THIS is the worst school EVER. If you are just trying to get your child out of your house then this is a great place to go but if you want to invest into your child future than STOP DO NOT CONTINUE WITH THE ENROLLMENT. Ok let me break this mess down for you. We did the over night tour of the campus. It wasn't fully operational but what they did show to us it seemed to be ok. They said they had different type of clubs, alumi and events. THAT WAS A LIE!!! IF I COULD SLAP MYSELF I WOULD. THIS WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER. When we arrived on dorn move in day there were staff members every where but after about a month the staff started disappearing. Come to find out is that the staff that we meet at the tour arent working at SGSC. They are from the WAYCROSS CAMPUS and Valdosta state campus. The campus is closed Friday through Sunday night. Leaving your child looking for something to do just for fun. Which mean trouble. This school does not offer the full college experience we are paying for. They have lie about EVERYTHING. ALL OF THEIR SPORT GAMES ARE PLAYED ON THEIR WAYCROSS CAMPUS BUT PRACTICE AT SGSC. When the campus is closed the student are left eating breakfast the whole weekend or leftovers from the prior week. This school is a SCAM!!! If you do you math( in which i didnt until it was too late) you will see that they are charging for things that they dont have to offer. Ex: if staying on campus they charge 1,700.00 for meal plan. If your child doesnt eat on campus you still have to play, if you supply your child meals, you still have to pay. Ok no problem. Here's the catch. They will never mention that there is another meal plan for those that will not be needing a 1,700.00 meal plan its half the cost. THEY SAY "IF YOUR CHILD WANT TO ATTEND VALDOSTA THEY CAN ONLY GET IN BY GOING TO THIS RAGGEDY SCHOOL CAUSING THEM TO START BUILDING DEBT". THATS NOT TRUE. AFTER SPEAKING TO SEVERAL OTHER COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES THEY CAN GET INTO VALDOSTA AS LONG AS THEY HAVE 30 TRANSFERABLE CREDITS. LETS MOVE ON. If your child DOES NOT have a car you still have to pay for a parking pass. The lab fee is a joke when the professor is always cancelling classes. The only thing this school has done for as for entertainment is a bowling and movie night. The tv in the common lounging area is broken and been broken for several years i was told by a staff member there (guy) I even spoke with the staff regarding this. You would think that with all the money they can replace the tv so the student that may not have a tv can relax and enjoy a movie . As for grades. Well let's just say this They NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER POST GRADES. lets move on to the safety of the campus. This is a open campus. As a mother I've seem Grown Men come on campus to pick up young ladies. I've also noticed the smell of weed while i walked in the hall way. In fact i was told that local drug dealer come there and make deals to students. ( I heard) that one lady was caught smoking weed in her dorm room and did get into trouble. You will never see staff members on any given day. I even had to file a police report myself. Several girls there at SGSC befriend my child stole her bank card and made fraud charges on my account. No one from the school even call to get the details. I will be transferring my child in a few weeks at the end of the sermester.
For all the new parents that are headed down to SGSC STOP.
But if you want better, greatness for you son or daughter than get back online and keep looking or get back into your car and go home.


4 years ago

Only attend this school if it is your only/last op...

Only attend this school if it is your only/last option. This was the worst decision of my life. Literally. I am 11,000 in debt because I stayed on campus my freshman year. The food is horrible. If there is a planned tour, the cafeteria will make good food or at least decent. The teachers are under-appreciated and overqualified. There are a few activities every month but nothing to do in this town. Financial aid will screw up your paperwork every time, EVERY TIME. Do not attend if you do not have to. I moved from Atlanta to this school because no one told me the truth and I would have a guilty conscience if I did not give people a fair warning.

4 years ago

I have met some inspiring professors here, but the...

I have met some inspiring professors here, but the way they are treated from time to time is depressing. It some times feels like a business first school secind. The classes are cheap but i wouldn't pay to live on campus.