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4 years ago


4 years ago

As a taxpayer, I'm appalled by a recent report say...

As a taxpayer, I'm appalled by a recent report saying that the USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) has since 2004 given $133 million to 'Planet Aid', despite warnings that the charity with those yellow donation bins for clothes is linked to an alleged cult whose leaders are on Interpol s global most-wanted list.(!)

The FAS insists that it was not aware the money was being misused.

But records withheld by the agency until Reveal News sued for them show otherwise: A member of the USDA s own staff who had in 2013 visited the southern African nation of Malawi had raised serious concerns and urged closer scrutiny of projects run by Planet Aid and its subcontractor Development Aid from People to People, commonly known as DAPP.

When I pay my taxes, I expect that the government will make sure that that money will be put to good use ... not get skimmed off by some clever international fraudsters!

Google search:
USDA said it didn't know charity had problems. Documents show otherwise - Reveal News


USDA-FAS: Your Ultimate Source for Agricultural Information

If you're looking for the latest and most comprehensive information on agriculture, look no further than USDA-FAS. As a leading authority in the field of agricultural research and development, USDA-FAS provides a wealth of information on everything from crop production to food safety.

With over 100 years of experience in the industry, USDA-FAS has established itself as a trusted source of information for farmers, researchers, policymakers, and consumers alike. Whether you're interested in learning about the latest trends in crop yields or want to stay up-to-date on food safety regulations, USDA-FAS has got you covered.

One of the key strengths of USDA-FAS is its commitment to providing timely and accurate information. The organization's team of experts works tirelessly to gather data from around the world and analyze it using state-of-the-art tools and techniques. This allows them to produce reports that are not only informative but also highly relevant to current events.

For example, one recent report published by USDA-FAS is the 2021 Agricultural Export Yearbook. This report provides an overview of U.S. agricultural exports for that year and includes detailed data on specific commodities such as grains, oilseeds, livestock products, fruits and vegetables.

Another recent report published by USDA-FAS is Malaysia: Oilseeds and Products Annual. This report provides an analysis of Malaysia's oilseed market including production trends, consumption patterns as well as trade statistics.

In addition to producing reports like these ones mentioned above ,USDA-FAS also offers a range of other services designed to help farmers improve their operations while ensuring that consumers have access to safe and nutritious food products.

For instance,the organization offers technical assistance programs aimed at helping farmers adopt sustainable farming practices that can increase yields while reducing environmental impact . They also provide training programs designed specifically for small-scale farmers who may lack access to resources like modern equipment or advanced technology .

Overall ,USDA -FSA is committed towards promoting sustainable agriculture practices globally through its various initiatives . It aims at providing reliable data-driven insights which can help stakeholders make informed decisions regarding their businesses . With its vast experience ,expertise ,and dedication towards promoting sustainable agriculture practices globally ,it's no wonder why so many people turn towards this organization when they need reliable agricultural information .