
StemGenex® Review

Reviews 36
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Reviews 36
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3 years ago

Two and a half years ago I was told that I had typ...

Two and a half years ago I was told that I had type two Diabetes. Fortunately for me I had done research regarding the ever increasing uses for stem cells. I placed a call to Stem Genex to seek out information. I was thoroughly satisfied with the answers I received and proceeded to be under their care. Three days after receiving the stem cell treatment my numbers all came into line and have been maintained so far. My last A1c was 5.7 and my recent daily checks usually are between 110 and 120. My lifestyle has been satisfactorily improved. I am so glad Stem Genex was there for me. It also helps that I had a Doctor in my hometown that was very receptive to my treatment and has continued to support me.

3 years ago

My Husband just completed his therapy through Stem...

My Husband just completed his therapy through StemGenex /July 2014. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's 10 years ago at the age of 50 and has been on a slow but progressive pace of the regular drug regime for the disease. We discovered and researched StemGenex and the Parkinson's therapy they offer and decided to start our journey with Stem Cell Therapy -What an amazing decision! The StemGenex team is the most professional, compassionate group of people we have ever worked with in our medical history and after just one week he is seeing results and positive changes! In this one week period he is re-gaining a sense of smell which was lost years ago. Consistent numbness in his right hand is subsiding and overall energy levels are increasing . We are so thrilled to have some symptom relief as a result of our choice to use StemGenex on our Parkinson's journey. We truly believe this is the future of medicine and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Pat and Patty Murphy

3 years ago

StemGenex was the dawn of a new day for my husband...

StemGenex was the dawn of a new day for my husband (Don) and I. From the moment that we were contacted back by Sal (Senior pt. advocate), we were informed and encouraged. Both the office staff and the Medical staff were very compassionate and patient towards us. They made our concerns a priority to alleviate any stress. From helping us plan the travel arrangements to watching over me so that Don could finally have a bite to eat knowing I was in good hands.
Rita and her people made me feel like my health was important as a human. I felt their empathy and their encouragement for me to believe that my health improvement was attainable.
Our thanks to Dawn and the many medical staff who attended to me while I went through the treatment. Thank you to the office staff for ALL their help to make it possible for me to be treated.
I encourage you to give StemGenex a call and ask for information about the health issue that you struggle with, don't give up...
I had my treatment 04-16-14 and I'm sure that Parkinsons will soon be under control and I will back to teaching fitness classes!!
With Gratitude,
Corrina Willingham

3 years ago

I have undergone two adult stem cell treatments wi...

I have undergone two adult stem cell treatments with StemGenex and have had positive results both times. Living with Type 1 Diabetes for 42 years has brought with it a number of issues in which no other treatment options have panned out. I was rejected from the Islet Cell transplant trials and my research into stem cells came clear when I found StemGenex. From the very first phone call, email inquiry, to the final follow up with staff, both medical and administrative, I have been nothing but pleased with all of it and look forward to undergoing my third treatment soon. I applaud Rita Alexander for her continued strive to bring this to the people in an ethical and caring manner!!!!

3 years ago

At least for Parkinson, it is waste of money. Comp...

At least for Parkinson, it is waste of money. Completely hopeless. We spent hard work money for my wife treatment, and absolutely no improvement after a year. So before you pay them think again, all these good reviews can be fake!!

3 years ago

StemGenex has been a fantastic experience! I have...

StemGenex has been a fantastic experience! I have arthritis on both knees and had the procedure done two weeks ago. I feel awesome and my pain on my knees is gone! I look forward to more walks and exercise. Thank you StemGenex!

3 years ago

My grandmother had stem cell treatment at Stemgene...

My grandmother had stem cell treatment at Stemgenex for MS and is doing so well. She is now able to stand for long periods of time when before she could only stand for a few short seconds. Her balance and mobility has also improved. This stem cell treatment has changed her life in so many ways. Thank you Stemgenex for all you do.

3 years ago

From the first phone call ,throughout, this was, a...

From the first phone call ,throughout, this was, and continues to be, a great experience. Every question was dealt with, the procedure was virtually painless, and the results, for me, have been better than I could have ever imagined. As a Parkinson's patient I had no expectations going in, but I can tell you that I will be going for follow on treatments. The entire staff has been great to work with.

3 years ago

I am a 45 year old male with overall good health c...

I am a 45 year old male with overall good health condition. I did stem cell age management about 10 months ago. The result was truly amazing. Within two weeks I started to feel more energy and in less than 4 weeks all my friends started to ask me what did I do for such clear, vibrant skin! Through the course of next several months I have noticed a general improvement in my endurance, energy level and immune system. I can work-out longer without getting sore, I didn't catch cold or allergy as often as I used to and there have been a great improvement with the overall pains and aches that comes with being in the 40's.

The staff of StemGenex have been very helpful and friendly. They took the time to explain the process and expense before hand and kept in touch with me via phone and email for several months after the procedure to followup.

This have been a wonderful experience and I am coming back again for another procedure to keep the good thing going!

3 years ago

My sister has MS and was going downhill fast with ...

My sister has MS and was going downhill fast with no medical options that were working. A stranger I ran into told me about Stemgenex and we signed up right away. It has been 5 weeks now and the results have been amazing! We are so excited for the future and see progress daily. Thank you so much!

3 years ago

March 17, 2014 I had my Stem Cell TX for MS! YAY! ...

March 17, 2014 I had my Stem Cell TX for MS! YAY! I feel fabulous and energized!
My balance is already better, and I'm very positive more changes are ahead.:)

The treatment I received from StemGenex's staff and doctors was kind, caring, and very professional. I can't imagine a better place to have Stem Cell Treatment.
I truly consider them to be an integral part of my journey to health.

I would highly recommend them to anyone looking to benefit from Stem Cell treatment.

3 years ago

I had Stem Cell Replacement done on September 13th...

I had Stem Cell Replacement done on September 13th 2016. I was very skeptical at first, thinking how can this be done in 3 days when the other procedures take anywhere from a month to 8 weeks (HSCT)? I read that it was a scam, that it didn't work. I was about to give up the idea of going to Stemgenex. I had already made the call to find out more, when I received the call back, I told them that I wasn't interested, that I heard it was a scam. Then next day changed everything, I received a call from Doug at Stemgenex. I talked about my skepticism, his response was,
"what questions can I answer for you?" We were on the phone for over an hour, answering all my questions. This was only the beginning, as the days went on, I had more questions, my husband has questions, Doug was there to answer them all. No matter how much it took, he was willing to explain everything. After having all our questions answered, I scheduled my appointment. What can I say about the staff? They are truly amazing! Never did I feel like I was just a number or being rushed through the process. You could tell that each and everyone loved their jobs. Dr. Andre Lallande, has the best bedside mannerr, and as well compassion for what he does. I wish there were more doctors like him.
It has been 3 weeks today since my procedure, was it worth it? Yes most definitely. My typical day before the treatment, Wake up in the morning after about 10 hours of sleep, felt like I hadn't slept in days, go to work, come home, take a nap (at least 2 hours), and try to make dinner. Forget about the laundry and cleaning the house, who had energy for that? Not Me! I would get horrible muscle spasms in my shoulders, my muscles would get so tight and cause horrible headaches. I felt like I was living in a fog.
Today, I wake up feeling refreshed, I go to work, come home, start dinner, do some laundry, do some cleaning, (realize how much everything has been neglected) I can actually stay up late and function the next morning! My husband said to me the other day "my best friend is back" music to my ears. I have not had any muscle spasms in my shoulders, I actually feel like I'm living again. I still have numbness in my hands, but it has only been 3 weeks. If I have had this much improvement in 3 weeks, I can't wait to see what 3, 6, 9 months will be like. The joke in the family is now they all have to learn how to keep up with me! I had a lady at Meijer tell me, "boy you sure walk fast"
So in a nut shell....... This is not a scam, it is real, they use your own stem cells, no chemotherapy! I'm a believer and I hope that I have made you a believer as well.
Thank you Stemgenex for giving my life back!

3 years ago

If you are considering stem cell M...

If you are considering stem cell MUST go to StemGenex! This treatment restored my health and I now have my life back. Before my stem cell treatment in September I was afraid of what the future would bring. For the last 2 years my health was rapidly declining and Dr. after Dr. had no idea what was wrong with me. Extreme fatigue, unexplainable infections, debilitating migraines, pain throughout my body, mental confusion and severe anxiety had become my 'normal . Multiple visits to the ER and many medical specialists could not explain what was happening to me. The last and most frightening issue I experienced was unexplainable seizures that were occurring almost daily that basically caused me to become homebound. Within days of my treatment almost all of the symptoms were gone. I m completely out of pain, have lots of energy, the seizures, anxiety issues and brain fog are all gone. Occasionally I have a headache but even they are minor. I am a now the wife and a mom I used to be. Miracles can happen and I have experienced a miracle because StemGenex! I would do this again in a heart beat and am telling anyone who will listen about my treatment and this amazing company. Oh...and the Drs tried to convince me it wouldn't work.

3 years ago

I am writing this review from a standpoint of a ca...

I am writing this review from a standpoint of a care giver for a spouse with Primary Progressive MS. After having followed all of the standard medical protocols (massive steroids, muscle relaxers, pain medications), my wife as so many others continued to see a declination in her mobility and ability to function at daily tasks. Through research we found StemGenex. After more research and discussions with the staff we set up our first session of stem cell therapy. This procedure was all that we hoped it would be. It made amazing improvements in my wife's walking gait, her brain fog, her heat sensitivity, and overall abilities. The staff and doctors are on the cutting edge of stem cell treatments, and have given my wife and I more hope than I could ever imagine. We will continue to go to StemGenex to fight this terrible form of MS.

3 years ago

Professional & Caring!

Professional & Caring!

This company is making a difference. Thank you to Rita Alexander and the whole staff at StemGenex for giving a ray of hope to me during my darkest hours. These people really care about those inflicted with debilitating diseases and want to help by providing a top notch medical procedure based on personal history and extensive research.

The facilities and partnering doctors and staff are extremely professional and the whole experience was of the highest quality available. They welcome you into their growing family and treat you with dignity and care hands down. They continue to check up on you after the procedure to make sure you are doing well.

I have been dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis for a couple of years on top of being a Type II diabetic for 16 years. It has been a depressing and debilitating road since being diagnosed with RA. All facets of my life had been affected and hope was no longer in my vocabulary. I researched stem cell therapy after taking methotrexate for a short while with no success. I didn't want to go on yet another pharmaceutical drug that had no intention of a cure - they merely attempt to help manage the symptoms with staggering and mind-boggling side affects. So I found a couple of options for stem cell therapy here in California and StemGenex seemed more thorough and advanced than the other providers. Plus they offered the antibody filtration process which would specifically help my Rheumatoid Arthritis - the competitors did not offer this step. The decision to go with StemGenex was made for me because they not only had success with RA paitents but with diabetics as well. I was a double whammy patient and I look forward to long term improvements in my blood sugar numbers as well.

I am having great results overall so far and it is early in my healing process. I look forward to more substantial healing down the road. For about a year now, my walking changed to more of a shuffle to handle the pain in my feet from the RA. The week after my procedure, I was starting to walk more normally and I had to re-learn the heel-toe step again which was a weird but wonderful feeling. This was the first time I was cognizant of something like a simple step which I finally got back after the painful and debilitating disease took over me which seems like a lifetime ago. I am forever grateful for this.

Sincerely from my heart, thank you once again for all that you do StemGenex. You all are extremely appreciated and I will personally evangelize your efforts to everyone who will listen in order to help others in need.

3 years ago

Well stemgenex have a nice experience in stem cell...

Well stemgenex have a nice experience in stem cell theraphy which i have ever read and know.but the cost of stem cell theraphy is pretty expensive in stemgenex.but there is a big problem that american embassy never wanna issue a visa if u r disable or no.becoz the embassy consular have no respect for any disable person.becoz they r thinking that every person is bad in this world.but they don't know nothing about humanity.
I have a suggestion to stemgenex that if u people know the rule and law of america government then don't accept any case and don't waste money of any person while they r trying to get a visa or u should discuss about this with government of USA and u should go in court.

3 years ago

As many of my friends know, Larry has been really ...

As many of my friends know, Larry has been really struggling with his Parkinson's Disease especially since he had DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) surgery 3 1/2 years ago. His quality of life has been minimal & I admire his perseverance to keep active & on the go as much as he has been able. In June we flew to West Palm Beach for stem cell implants. They used his own stems from adipose tissue, activated them & then injected them via IV. We've been cautiously optimistic about this treatment. Our children & friends were very supportive of our decision.

Well.....Larry has been able to turn off his generator for longer & longer periods of time. At first he couldn't leave it turned off because the tremors were too bad. But now there are no noticeable tremors & today HE WALKED WITHOUT HIS CANE down 4 flights of stairs at our condo & over to the pool. He swam several laps & was actually able to kick his legs & then walk back to the condo & up the stairs. It has been years since he's been able to do this. optimism grows as his depression lifts little by little & engages more & more with me & others.

Let's hope those stem cells keep rejuvenating. I'm looking for small victories but this one is HUGE for us

This was my FaceBook post in August, 2 months after his stem cell implant. We were so happy with Stemgenex, with all of the help, planning, information, and follow up. I had checked with the BBB & found that they had a great rating. We are now 3 1/2 months out from his procedure & he continues to improve. Needless to say we're thrilled. Would we do it again? Yes, in a heartbeat. He keeps his DBS generator off most of the day & his doctor couldn't detect the slightest tremor. He was amazed at how good he looked & no rigidity.

3 years ago

This therapy is a game changer and Stemgenex has b...

This therapy is a game changer and Stemgenex has been my Life Changer!

If there was an ability to give them 10 stars out of a maximum of 5 I definitely would.

After suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis for nine years, trying multiple oral therapies, oral and Injectable steroids, and 4 different biological injectables/infusions my body had enough in 2014. I was no longer controlled (lab values or my signs/symptoms of swelling/pain) and despite compliance with my therapies my body was no longer getting a response...or rather I had lost response. I was literally at my wit's end and was wondering what my future held. Each day was very painful, I was exhausted, and I felt is as if there were no more options for me. Then my life took a turn, for the better when I found Stemgenex!

I started researching alternative therapies through the National Institutes of Health and came upon articles/studies regarding Adipose Autologous Stem Cell Therapy. I was too ill to be able to participate in studies I saw that were recruiting patients. I continued my research and came upon Stemgenex in La Jolla, CA. They were the answers to my prayers.

In February of 2015 I had Stem Cell Therapy with Stemgenex and it has been life changing. I had my labs pulled before I went and started having them pulled a week after the therapy. Not only did I feel better my labs proved that my body was healing/actually doing better. Within 12 weeks I was able (under the supervision of my physician) to wean off all RA medications and all of my lab values were in the normal range (ESR, CRP, WBC, etc).

I truly cannot say enough good things about this clinic, their stem cell therapy, the kindness, patience, empathy, and skill of the entire Stemgenex staff and team. Everyone has a different experience and this has been mine. Over one year later and I am doing fabulous. I can do all of the things that I had only been able to dream of (wearing high heels, not having to sleep 10 hours a night, pain free, and I just signed up for a half marathon this summer!). If you are suffering reach out to Stemgenex!

3 years ago

So blessed to have StemGenex as a team to give me ...

So blessed to have StemGenex as a team to give me quality of life!!
VERY kind staff members who gave us 'royal' treatment. It has been just over 3 months & improving still !! Telling everybody about this wonderful blessing with NO side effects !! Do what you can to get 'stemcell therapy', start a 'gofund' account, borrow the $$ because results are priceless:)

3 years ago

I m an otherwise healthy 43 year-old physical ther...

I m an otherwise healthy 43 year-old physical therapist. In February 2013, I began to suffer from exquisite joint pain, which appeared to travel from joint-to-joint, without provocation. My wife and I started to suspect it was psychological, but thanks in part to the extreme inflammation and heat coming from the joints we knew otherwise. After a plethora of tests, all of which were negative, including MRI s which concluded I have the joints of a 20 year-old, I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, where the psoriasis component did not manifest itself.
I was prescribed prednisone for one month to calm the inflammation. In one day, the pain was gone and I felt incredible, with boundless energy by the second day. Once the prescription was tapered, the pain was back in three days. The MD suggested methotrexate or one of the biologic drugs. I chose to do another month of the prednisone and do some research. After searching for stem cell therapy and Psoriatic Arthritis, which yielded very little, I expanded the search to include stem cell therapy and autoimmune inflammatory diseases and found much more. While the cost is high, the cost of the other meds along with the side effects was far greater. I selected Stemgenex as they were in CA, did not over promise, and were very professional and compassionate.
I was off all meds prior to my treatment and in a great deal of pain. The day after the procedure, the pain was gone. I attributed this to the anesthesia I was on. In fact, I was wrong; four months later and I have not had a single flare-up and have taken no medication. I couldn t be happier with the procedure, the staff, and process. Thanks you Rita, Dawn, and the medical staff.

3 years ago

My treatment for Parkinson's at Stemgenex was in D...

My treatment for Parkinson's at Stemgenex was in December 2011. At that time there was little data to support the use of stem cells in the treatment of Parkinson's. Never the less, I decided to have the treatment because no one else was even discussing the possibility of getting better. Fortunately, I was helped by the treatment, and have continued to improve to this day. Not only did the people at Stemgenex treat me wonderfully, they have continued to check on my progress. There is no doubt that my recovery is their goal. They have continued to share other treatment ideas with me that might help my symptoms (i.e. hyperbaric oxygen therapy, homeapathic herbs, research study results, and the like). Though I have not yet needed to return for another treatment, I know that they continue to be my partner in the search for my recovery from Parkinson's. From the beginning, it has nevcr been about selling their services, but rather how to improve my health. Rita and Candace have become my friends, and I am blessed to have them in my life.

4 years ago

My dad has suffered from COPD for almost 11 years....

My dad has suffered from COPD for almost 11 years. He has spend a lot of his time in the hospital and on oxygen. On Friday January 10th I started researching on Google and came across information on the Stem Cell procedure. I called Stemgenex on Monday the 13th. I was concerned if this could potentially have negative side effects for my dad or if it could hurt him in any way, they told me there was no negative side effects after the procedure the only thing we could lose was money. I decided the same day that I wanted to have the procedure done for my dad. I expressed to them that my dad was becoming more sick every day and I wanted the procedure done ASAP. I wanted my father to have the procedure done on the 16th of January which means I needed to have my dad cleared for surgery in less then three days. With the help of Dawne Thorpe and Sal Tocca my father was cleared in ONE DAY. This included getting all his medical records done, blood work, EKG, ect. I could never thank them enough for all there help. So on January 15th my dad, mother, brother and my self arrived (the surgery was the following day). Candice Henderson was our representative from Stemgenex helping with anything we may need, taking us all around, getting us settled, a big thanks to her she was awesome. The 15th was the consultation. We met with the Doctor who was just amazing, he answered all the many questions we had. The doctor was kind and helpful and really took the time to spend with us making us feel welcomed and confident out the procedure. However not only was the doctor amazing, the whole staff was extremely nice. The procedure was done on the 16th and we got to head home on the 17th. Over the weekend I had a few concerns regarding my dad, the owner Rita Alexander took time to discuss the concerns I was having regarding my dads energy levels. Rita has called me everyday since then checking on my dad and offering advice on things we could do to help him feel better faster. I am so impressed with her and what she has done. Since the procedure the doctor has recommended my dad to do treatments with nutrition IV's which we are starting soon. In conclusion since my dad has had the procedure his energy levels have improved and his breathing has improved drastically. Having the procedure has also helped my dad with stabilizing his heart rate. My dad is continuing to get better and better everyday, and we are hopeful for the future. I would just like to say thank you so much to everyone who has helped us.

4 years ago

Our son Alan struggled with his health starting wi...

Our son Alan struggled with his health starting with pancreatitis in January 2012. He was placed on a no fat diet, and lost about 15% of his body weight. His abdominal pain was extreme requiring the use of medications to manage his pain. After many visits to the doctor we finally received a diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis in May of 2012.

His doctor put him on Lialda and Prednisone to deal with the UC flare. His dosages were increased to the maximum level but the flare would not subside. He went to an integrative medicine specialist and started on a gluten free diet with many supplements to bring his blood levels back into range. This was somewhat effective but the flare persisted. Alan was disciplined about his diet.

In December, 2012 a second colonoscopy confirmed the UC diagnosis and the continuation of the flare. He was put on Azathorapine along with the Lialda and in January he was weaned off of Prednisone. He developed a severe case of acne from the Prednisone. His face would stick to his pillow at night making it difficult to sleep and when he got sick from the UC his face would tear open from the acne, causing it to bleed. His hair began to fall out from the Azathorapine. He was no longer able to play his saxophone because his face would crack and bleed. He was now understandably fighting depression.

We began to discuss the more dangerous biologicals for his treatment. We were disturbed by the side effects and the lack of knowledge that they would even help. We had heard of StemGenix from a friend and even though they did not take anyone under 18, we submitted Alan s medical history for their review, just in case.

In May of 2013, Sal at StemGenix called us and said that they would take Alan for treatment. They had an opening in late May and we took the gamble. We used his college money to pay for the treatment.

The biggest gamble we have ever taken, paid off beyond our wildest hopes. Alan reported that prior to treatment, he was experiencing abdominal pain at a constant 3 or 4 and would spike to an 8 or 9 out 10 level. The day after his treatment the pain was gone. For more than a year prior to the treatment, Alan had trouble handling any form of greasy food. On the trip home, in desperation at an airport, Alan had a hamburger with bacon, the only thing available, and had no problems!

We are as of this writing approaching 7 months post procedure. We have our son back! He has had no symptoms since treatment and is off all of the medications. Other than some scaring on his face from the Prednisone caused acne, we can t tell that he was ever sick.

Alan has been accepted at two universities to study music education. He has been invited to interview for scholarships at both schools that will nearly pay his tuition. He is a fine musician and a great teacher. Had we not found StemGenix, and had they not stretched their rules a bit, he would not be in condition to even go to college. We do not fully understand how this treatment has had such a dramatic effect on his health but it is as if it healed the damage done by the UC and reset his immune system. Since treatment, he has experienced many of the triggers which would have previously sent him into a flare without any issue at all.

We wholeheartedly recommend StemGenix to anyone in a similar situation. Their care and service was exemplary and the results border on the miraculous.

4 years ago

I am a 45 year old male with overall good health c...

I am a 45 year old male with overall good health condition. I did stem cell age management about 10 months ago. The result was truly amazing. Within two weeks I started to feel more energy and in less than 4 weeks all my friends started to ask me what did I do for such clear, vibrant skin! Through the course of next several months I have noticed a general improvement in my endurance, energy level and immune system. I can work-out longer without getting sore, I didn't catch cold or allergy as often as I used to and there have been a great improvement with the overall pains and aches that comes with being in the 40's.

The staff of StemGenex have been very helpful and friendly. They took the time to explain the process and expense before hand and kept in touch with me via phone and email for several months after the procedure to followup.

This have been a wonderful experience and I am coming back again for another procedure to keep the good thing going!

4 years ago

I came to StemGenex due to having multiple broken ...

I came to StemGenex due to having multiple broken bones in my foot that I desperately needed to heal properly and quickly. I had an absolutely fastastic experience with StemGenex. Extremely professional staff, 100% personal attention thru the entire process, painless, exciting , wonderful thoughtful staff, and after 6 weeks my 3 broken bones in foot are HEALED !
Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 years ago

I had stem cell therapy in June for my Primary Pro...

I had stem cell therapy in June for my Primary Progressive MS. I have tried traditional MS drugs (DMTs) to no avail and benefit. I have also tried other non traditional treatments. This year after researching stem cells therapies, I decided to get the treatment, I was afraid and seeing/feeling signs that my MS was progressing. After looking at treatment centers, foreign and a few in the US - I decided that StemGenex fit my needs. I had treatment in Santa Monica and the medical staff was wonderful - compassionate and professional. Rita and team made sure we were looked after and they are truly kind caring people who believe in what they are doing. After my treatment, I had instant relief in my legs, my spasticity has reduced drastically, I've gained foot functionality I hadn't had in years, and my bladder issues have been corrected (I am now off medicine). I didn't expect this to be a miracle cure, I was going to be happy to slow down the progression. So far I have gotten better results then I expected. Thank you

4 years ago

Very caring staff but zero success for my husbands...

Very caring staff but zero success for my husbands essential tremors. The main complaint regarding stem cell therapy is it is basically just a chance it may work for a particular condition. Suggestion at such a expensive procedure is they having the knowledge on what conditions this process is helpful. Would not recommend this unless they can prove positive results from other patients. Learned about another patient that was in the same group with a different condition did not have any success. They actually suggested before we even knew if we would have any positive results is to go through the procedure within six weeks after the first one, very disappointing.

4 years ago

In November of 2014 I received Stemcell therapy fo...

In November of 2014 I received Stemcell therapy for COPD at the StemGenex Clinic in Santa Monica. There were HUGE improvements in the first month after treatment, resulting from the reduction of inflamation in my lungs. Within days of the treatment, I felt much stronger and breathed way better! At the time this was based solely on how I felt and I did not have any scientific data to support it. As of today, I have that data! My Pulmonary Function Test confirms that my CO2 exchange rate has improved to 59% and my lung capacity is up 10%! This in only 11 weeks! StemGenex's results with COPD are amazing! To the best of my knowledge, there has been an improvement in every person treated at StemGenex for this condition. I encourage anyone suffering from this horrible affliction to consider it!

4 years ago

I'm a singer songwriter and I rely on my body to b...

I'm a singer songwriter and I rely on my body to be my instrument. If it wasn't for Stemgenex, I would not be where I am today. I had the great luck of doing Stem Cell Treatment as a newly diagnosed Relapsing Remitting MS patient in 2013. I am happy to report that I have not got a single symptom today and I haven't had a relapse! Thank you StemGenex!

4 years ago

In the autumn of 2006, I was diagnosed with swift ...

In the autumn of 2006, I was diagnosed with swift onset, severe rheumatoid arthritis, triggered by Lyme disease. After months of researching the promising results of adult stem cell therapy studies and the many of the off-shore clinics offering the treatment abroad, I was happily surprised and relieved to find the treatment had become available here in the US through StemGenex.

My 3 day experience with StemGenex was wonderful, the patient advocates guiding me through the process of getting everything in order to make the trip out to California in July 2012. The surgeon was a reassuring, gentle presence, happy to answer all my questions and I felt entirely in good hands, excited by the promise of adult stem cell treatment. The whole process could not have been made easier by the StemGenex team, who were on-site all three days, from orientation to check out from the hotel.

In the months following, improvements came in very slow, subtle ways. The burning in my feet disappeared and circulation in my legs below my knees and feet was improved. The swelling and pain in my knees was reduced. Soft tissue pain and other affected joints felt so much better and I was beginning to be able to straighten my arms at the elbows. I also felt less fatigued and the constant toxic feeling most RA patients can probably relate to had disappeared. By the following summer, I was feeling so much better overall and would definitely consider another booster treatment in future.

StemGenex continued to be supportive post-treatment, checking in at intervals with progress and offering reassurance and insight on what to expect and how to get the best results from the treatment. I wholeheartedly recommend the StemGenex experience!


