Karin Boyd
Review of StemGenex®

3 years ago

I had Stem Cell Replacement done on September 13th...

I had Stem Cell Replacement done on September 13th 2016. I was very skeptical at first, thinking how can this be done in 3 days when the other procedures take anywhere from a month to 8 weeks (HSCT)? I read that it was a scam, that it didn't work. I was about to give up the idea of going to Stemgenex. I had already made the call to find out more, when I received the call back, I told them that I wasn't interested, that I heard it was a scam. Then next day changed everything, I received a call from Doug at Stemgenex. I talked about my skepticism, his response was,
"what questions can I answer for you?" We were on the phone for over an hour, answering all my questions. This was only the beginning, as the days went on, I had more questions, my husband has questions, Doug was there to answer them all. No matter how much it took, he was willing to explain everything. After having all our questions answered, I scheduled my appointment. What can I say about the staff? They are truly amazing! Never did I feel like I was just a number or being rushed through the process. You could tell that each and everyone loved their jobs. Dr. Andre Lallande, has the best bedside mannerr, and as well compassion for what he does. I wish there were more doctors like him.
It has been 3 weeks today since my procedure, was it worth it? Yes most definitely. My typical day before the treatment, Wake up in the morning after about 10 hours of sleep, felt like I hadn't slept in days, go to work, come home, take a nap (at least 2 hours), and try to make dinner. Forget about the laundry and cleaning the house, who had energy for that? Not Me! I would get horrible muscle spasms in my shoulders, my muscles would get so tight and cause horrible headaches. I felt like I was living in a fog.
Today, I wake up feeling refreshed, I go to work, come home, start dinner, do some laundry, do some cleaning, (realize how much everything has been neglected) I can actually stay up late and function the next morning! My husband said to me the other day "my best friend is back" music to my ears. I have not had any muscle spasms in my shoulders, I actually feel like I'm living again. I still have numbness in my hands, but it has only been 3 weeks. If I have had this much improvement in 3 weeks, I can't wait to see what 3, 6, 9 months will be like. The joke in the family is now they all have to learn how to keep up with me! I had a lady at Meijer tell me, "boy you sure walk fast"
So in a nut shell....... This is not a scam, it is real, they use your own stem cells, no chemotherapy! I'm a believer and I hope that I have made you a believer as well.
Thank you Stemgenex for giving my life back!


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