Gary Paul
Review of StemGenex®

4 years ago

Our son Alan struggled with his health starting wi...

Our son Alan struggled with his health starting with pancreatitis in January 2012. He was placed on a no fat diet, and lost about 15% of his body weight. His abdominal pain was extreme requiring the use of medications to manage his pain. After many visits to the doctor we finally received a diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis in May of 2012.

His doctor put him on Lialda and Prednisone to deal with the UC flare. His dosages were increased to the maximum level but the flare would not subside. He went to an integrative medicine specialist and started on a gluten free diet with many supplements to bring his blood levels back into range. This was somewhat effective but the flare persisted. Alan was disciplined about his diet.

In December, 2012 a second colonoscopy confirmed the UC diagnosis and the continuation of the flare. He was put on Azathorapine along with the Lialda and in January he was weaned off of Prednisone. He developed a severe case of acne from the Prednisone. His face would stick to his pillow at night making it difficult to sleep and when he got sick from the UC his face would tear open from the acne, causing it to bleed. His hair began to fall out from the Azathorapine. He was no longer able to play his saxophone because his face would crack and bleed. He was now understandably fighting depression.

We began to discuss the more dangerous biologicals for his treatment. We were disturbed by the side effects and the lack of knowledge that they would even help. We had heard of StemGenix from a friend and even though they did not take anyone under 18, we submitted Alan s medical history for their review, just in case.

In May of 2013, Sal at StemGenix called us and said that they would take Alan for treatment. They had an opening in late May and we took the gamble. We used his college money to pay for the treatment.

The biggest gamble we have ever taken, paid off beyond our wildest hopes. Alan reported that prior to treatment, he was experiencing abdominal pain at a constant 3 or 4 and would spike to an 8 or 9 out 10 level. The day after his treatment the pain was gone. For more than a year prior to the treatment, Alan had trouble handling any form of greasy food. On the trip home, in desperation at an airport, Alan had a hamburger with bacon, the only thing available, and had no problems!

We are as of this writing approaching 7 months post procedure. We have our son back! He has had no symptoms since treatment and is off all of the medications. Other than some scaring on his face from the Prednisone caused acne, we can t tell that he was ever sick.

Alan has been accepted at two universities to study music education. He has been invited to interview for scholarships at both schools that will nearly pay his tuition. He is a fine musician and a great teacher. Had we not found StemGenix, and had they not stretched their rules a bit, he would not be in condition to even go to college. We do not fully understand how this treatment has had such a dramatic effect on his health but it is as if it healed the damage done by the UC and reset his immune system. Since treatment, he has experienced many of the triggers which would have previously sent him into a flare without any issue at all.

We wholeheartedly recommend StemGenix to anyone in a similar situation. Their care and service was exemplary and the results border on the miraculous.


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