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About Startup Guernsey

Startup Guernsey: Empowering Digital and Creative Sectors in Guernsey

Are you looking for a platform that can help you grow your digital or creative business? Look no further than Startup Guernsey, the brainchild of the States of Guernsey. The Digital Greenhouse is a hub designed to support effective collaboration, co-working, networking and learning to enable successful innovation to thrive in Guernsey.

The Digital Greenhouse was established by the States of Guernsey as a focal point for the growth of digital and creative sectors on the island. It is an initiative that aims to provide entrepreneurs with access to resources, mentorship programs, funding opportunities and other essential tools required for their success.

At Startup Guernsey, we believe that innovation is key to driving economic growth. We are committed to supporting entrepreneurs who have innovative ideas but lack resources or guidance on how best to bring them into fruition. Our team comprises experienced professionals who are passionate about helping startups succeed.

Our Services

We offer a range of services tailored towards startups at different stages of development. These include:

1) Co-Working Space: Our co-working space provides an environment where entrepreneurs can work alongside like-minded individuals while enjoying access to high-speed internet connectivity and other essential amenities.

2) Mentorship Programs: We have an extensive network of mentors who are available to provide guidance on various aspects such as product development, marketing strategies, fundraising etc.

3) Funding Opportunities: We understand that funding is one of the most significant challenges faced by startups. Therefore we offer access to various funding opportunities such as grants from government agencies or private investors.

4) Networking Events: At Startup Guernsey we organize regular networking events where entrepreneurs can meet potential partners or investors while also learning from industry experts through workshops and seminars.

Why Choose Startup Guernsey?

1) Expertise - Our team comprises experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds in entrepreneurship, finance, marketing etc., which means we can provide comprehensive support across all areas required for startup success.

2) Access - Through our extensive network within the local community and beyond; we offer unparalleled access not only within our co-working space but also through our mentorship programs & networking events.

3) Flexibility - We understand that every startup has unique needs; therefore we tailor our services accordingly so that each entrepreneur receives personalized support based on their specific requirements.

4) Community - At Startup Guernsey; you will be part of a vibrant community comprising like-minded individuals who share your passion for innovation & entrepreneurship.


In conclusion; if you're looking for a platform where you can grow your digital or creative business in an environment designed specifically with startups in mind then look no further than StartupGuersney! With expert advice from experienced professionals combined with unparalleled access within both local communities & beyond plus flexible tailored services based around individual needs – there really isn't anything else quite like it out there today!