Onestar Press & CalArts Design Program

Onestar Press & CalArts Design Program Review

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3 years ago

Umm u thought hey why not? U wanted to draw carti...

Umm u thought hey why not? U wanted to draw cartiins when I grew up and I really love gravity falls and star vs the forces of evil. Abd u looked to this place so I can do there in I don't know 6 ir 7 years. Look out for me cal arts I'm coming!

3 years ago

One of the prospective Calarts student here. Which...

One of the prospective Calarts student here. Which one do I have to believe tho? Like I can see some of ppl who suffered from various situation of sexuality, budget, and else. Is it safe to attend for? And do you guys copy students' idea huh?

3 years ago

The YouTube video, Diamond Jack, is simply the bes...

The YouTube video, Diamond Jack, is simply the best 3 minutes on Earth! The animator carefully planned all of it out. I watched it over and over again. It takes the word boredom and throws it out the window. The plot is swift and fast with its twists and turns as it keeps you glued to the screen to see what happens next.. The characters are one of a kind and likable in many ways like a normal person is. The animation is unique, the line art is choppy yet beautiful. The music s sound and lyrics match what s going on and the tone of the setting and atmosphere. If you re a young animator, watch this video and take notes.

3 years ago

My friend's daughter is beautiful, brilliant and t...

My friend's daughter is beautiful, brilliant and talented and studied Experimental Animation there and she was bullied, sexually harassed and robbed by jealous untalented, dumb, copy cat students who had no decent ideas of their own and the faculty didn't appreciate her or care if she was alive or dead and looked the other way because she was poor. Some of the faculty was racist and jealous of her and gave her unjustified low passes.
People are raped and it is always ignored, the statistics are terrifying. They will call you crazy and a liar even if you have solid evidence.
They promised her additional financial aid and higher year placement but didn't give her it and instead left her without enough financial aid to graduate.
Don't buy into the lies and promises, they only care about money and many of the students are racist and terrible(look it up). It honestly has the Worst crime, rape and has the worst hate crime rate in the United states. Look it up! Type in another school vs. CalArts on google and look at the statistics!!!!Go to Risd or Art center where people aren't constantly raped and sexually harassed!! Please don't let your kids go here, look at the facts not the smoke this evil place is blowing to get $46,000 per year!!! Don't let your family or friends go here!

3 years ago

This place is Amazing, Im always seeying pics and ...

This place is Amazing, Im always seeying pics and posts of people that study there, My dream is Travel and study in that beatiful place, I read a lot of people who have the same dream as me, create a animated serie , I cant study there, but I can still dreaming. Love from Ecuador

3 years ago

Cal Arts is a top Art, Performance Art, Design, an...

Cal Arts is a top Art, Performance Art, Design, and Film college. Tim Burton is an alum! Perfect balance of the pragmatic and the insane! For film it represents the future of moving art better than virtually any other school. Animation and CGI? Built by Walt and Roy Disney. Amazing location! Just moved my son in and the diversity in spite of he cost is striking. The Dean of Students told me that the 4 year graduation rate is average for art schools but is under 50%. On the other hand most of the drop outs leave because they can get a great job and really don't need the cost or accolade of a BFA... Do you know what degree Brad Pitt or Quentin Tarantino have?
The suggestion that is left leaning is really what you want to be concerned about at an art school! Not! Anyway hard to find thoughtful liberal arts schools that don't subscribe to global warming and evolution.

3 years ago

"Nepotistic and Self-serving"

"Nepotistic and Self-serving"

The MFA Writing program is a cash cow for the institute and most students are poorly served, especially those who don't follow the faculty's personal interests. The faculty are old and irrelevant, and many use their power to promote their friends' books and their own ends. Some instructors seem burnt out because they have taught the same fringe classes for decades. Some instructors are shameless in having favorites. I found myself in the middle of abusive social games that left me feeling shamed and unsupported.

The program attracts some talent...and a lot of smug narcissistic overgrown scenester pseudo-intellectuals trying to use the school's name to climb the ranks to hipster stardom. The CalArts "experimental writing" Kool Aid is passed around liberally, swaying the most impressionable people. Many people in my cohort had deep personal issues and/or were poorly suited for graduate level classes. I don't know who chooses these students. In many workshops, the conversation revolved around subjective feelings, personal grievances, traumas and self-discovery. Faculty were willing to indulge this behavior because they think writing is over and all that remains is self-help. The radical chic politics and theory are superficial at best. I learned more as an undergrad, and regret the high tuition and opportunity costs.

4 years ago

I am mostly upset because when I went to tour this...

I am mostly upset because when I went to tour this school, they wouldn't show me the library. I literally flew from Texas all the way to California just to see the library because I just have so many questions. They have tree growing in their library? Which is pretty cool, but I have so many questions. How does the tree grow to be so full and healthy without sunlight? Is it a real tree? Or is it just an art project? So many questions, and all they did was show me a 20 minute film of a waterfall with a voice over of a man talking about cannibalism. So disappointed...

4 years ago

CalArts has been an amazing journey from Day 1. My...

CalArts has been an amazing journey from Day 1. My daughter is in her 3rd year now. Besides fine tuning her Dance and getting a phenomenal education, CalArts has opened her eyes to the world around her. She has become even more wise and mature beyond her years. Every student there is there not for the grade, but because of their passion for their craft. When you put that many students who are fiercely dedicated in one place, Magic is bound to happen. This is not a school for everyone, but for those who live and breathe their art, CalArts is the place to be.

4 years ago

i was watching the pixar story, and was like, WOW...

i was watching the pixar story, and was like, WOW! this is what i want to do for college. i'm a young artist, and would love to study here, and looks just incredible! art is my biggest passion, and i cant wait to try out when i'm old enough!

4 years ago

I would like to study there, since I want to creat...

I would like to study there, since I want to create my television series and improve my character a lot. "Sigh" Dreams are never fulfilled. :(

(Original text) I would like to study there, since I want to create my series for television and improve the character that I have. "Sigh" Dreams never come true. :(

4 years ago

I've been told to make Calarts one of my suggestio...

I've been told to make Calarts one of my suggestions to go study. It seems amazing and I hope to go there someday when I graduate. I actually want to be an illustrator someday and maybe work for Disney! But my teacher recommended another college here in Texas so we'll see. I'll just keep working at it

4 years ago


Onestar Press & CalArts Design Program

Onestar Press & CalArts Design Program
