Reviews 10
Most recent
3 years ago

It sucks save yourself don't go here

It sucks save yourself don't go here

EDIT: Are you rich, conservative, christian, getting good grades, and in line to inherit your family's expensive company? Then this is the school for you. Otherwise, you will start hating your life by going here.

4 years ago

Graduated last year, so here's my two cents:

Graduated last year, so here's my two cents:
Pretty terrible place if you're not a extremely popular kid who does AP classes, Student Government, and sports. If you're anything like I was ( that being, quiet, alternative, artsy, unique, etc.) , you're gonna have a rough time. Even if you are popular, you're probably not going to like it. If the by pretty heavy drug use among students is any indication.

Every attempt I made to get involved in any sort of capacity was met with hostility and malice by the frankly incompetent administrative team. When I tried to start a club in my Junior year, the staff who ran the overseeing of clubs didn't even care enough to get the name of the club correct, even though I sent multiple emails to fix it, they still listed it wrong at every activities fair and even the yearbook. In addition, whenever I did something the administration didn't like, they would threaten to dismantle my club, which was a social gathering for 20 plus people, who were mostly in a similar situation to me, that is, not being part of the 'in' crowd, as it were. I was also banned from making announcements for my club on the morning video show, because I made a joke about everyone getting coal for Christmas. The fact of the matter is that the entire staff force takes themselves entirely too seriously for the jobs they were doing.

There are some fantastic teachers who really do care about the subjects that they're teaching, and want their students to do well. But for every good teacher, there are 4 or 5 who are completely apathetic, or those who are unwilling to extend even the smallest amount of care to the pupils they've been tasked to teach. During my senior year, the library was giving away old books that they could no longer store. Me, being an avid reader, went down and got about 4 or 5 books that looked interesting. The librarian then looked at me, and insulted my reading ability by stating that not only would I not be able to read 4 books, but that I wouldn't understand them if I could.

The Special Ed program was a joke to the point of it being detrimental to anyone involved. Instead of having a teacher trained to deal with IEPs (Individualized Education Program), they gave us a gym teacher with a 'my way or the highway' type of attitude. Anyone who knows anything about Special Ed knows that is the absolute worst mentality to have when dealing with students. In addition, we were in a room mixed with students who would become violent when told they had to do any sort of work. Do you honestly think someone with a mild condition like ADD, ASD, etc, is going to find success in a room like that? Because I sure didn't.

The administrative staff is full of cold, jaded people who have no business working with children of any age. I vividly remember finding a note from a student who planned on taking their own life during my Sophomore year. After bringing it to the staff and checking in on the well being of the student for several weeks, I was told by the assistant principle that I had a poorly developed empathy and emotional response during a discussion. Putting aside the fact that an educator resorted to insulting a student, to say something like that to someone who clearly cares about the life of another student is absolutely tone deaf.

In conclusion, MHS represents the American education system at its absolute worst. You would honestly be better homeschooling your child, then sending them to a terrible place like this.