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4 years ago

Love You Allah.

Love You Allah.
Best place the most calm, precious and peaceful place on this earth. words are not enough. i wish that every Muslim in this world can visit this place.

4 years ago

Most sacred place on earth center point also known...

Most sacred place on earth center point also known as house of Allah built by prophet Ibrahim and prophet Ismail Muslim all around year visit to perform Ummrah but in the month of zilhajj the performance Hajj only in this month by Muslims from all around the world

4 years ago

That was the only place I wanted to go thanks to m...

That was the only place I wanted to go thanks to my children I was able to go with my husband and my older son, my second son help with finance my 2 daughters looked after the house and my younger son. Can't thanks them enough and with Allah's will.
Best ever, the experience is unbelievable, can't wait to go again. This time with all my children and my husband, so greatfull for everything

4 years ago

Mecca is regarded as the holiest city in the relig...

Mecca is regarded as the holiest city in the religion of Islam and a pilgrimage to it known as the Hajj is obligatory for all able Muslims. As well as being the direction of muslim prayer. More than 15 million muslims visits per year. And non-muslims are prohibited from entering this city for maintain purity of this place.

4 years ago

Bismillah Rahman and Rahim salam and respect my se...

Bismillah Rahman and Rahim salam and respect my servant love my creator and I love God and I have the utmost dignity in this period, who has created me as ashraf of his creatures,Holy place to our muslim community. All of Muslims love this place. This place is lovely. Every year the Muslims from all around the world come here to represent themselves to their creator, Allah. The man who come here every year called pilgrimage....The first most beautiful place in the world. There's no words that can explain how much I loved it there. I hope Allah grant us another visit to Mecca amen.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Kaaba oldest place of worship on earth. Originally...

Kaaba oldest place of worship on earth. Originally built by Prophet Adam (PBUH), rebuilt by Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham (PBUH). Awesome feeling to walk around a place where numerous Prophets walked around. Alhamdulillah.

4 years ago

Ka`bah, The first House of Worship built for manki...

Ka`bah, The first House of Worship built for mankind located in Makkah (KSA), one of the holiest city for Muslims. It was originally built by Adam and later on reconstructed by Abraham and Ismaa`eel. Many non-muslims are being misguided by some miscreants who claim that Muslims worship Ka`bah which is absolutely a misunderstanding and an outright ignorance.Ka`bah is Qibla (a direction for prayers) It is a cubed shaped structure always under black cover known as 'Kiswa' that is decorated by Quranic inscriptions in golden letters. No Muslim worship Ka`bah rather it is being taken as the direction for prayers. Islam is outright in negating any form of Idol worship. Any form of idol or grave worship is akin to disbelief in the Teachings of Islam. All the Muslims around the globe who are well off are subjected to have a pilgrimage once in lifetime (obligatory) to Makkah and to have seven circumbulations around the Ka`bah is a fundamental part of Hajj. Ka`bah is the holiest place for Muslims. Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) is highly venerated in the Quran and is regarded as a spiritual father of the Muslims. He was commanded by God Almighty to resurrect the Holy House for the believers around the Globe. The annual pilgrimage performed in the last month of Islamic Calendar, every year is called "Hajj". The fundamental aspects of Hajj are:
1. God is One, no one must be worshipped except Him.
2. Ka`bah is only a direction not meant to be worshipped.
3. The entire humanity is tied under the knot of Universal Brotherhood.
4. All the believers are brothers irrespective of any caste, country, color or ethnicity.
5. Racism can't be accepted in any case or form.

4 years ago

Soon .. Inn Sha Allah.

Soon .. Inn Sha Allah.
Epicentre; For the Unity of Muslims to bow infront of almighty Allah

4 years ago

The Kabaa is beautiful and is the House of Allah (...

The Kabaa is beautiful and is the House of Allah (swt) whenever you see it, it brings tears to your eyes and melts your heart because the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) loved it too. It is really big, and is different when you see it in person. It is also very historical to the Islamic community telling you about Prophet Ibrahim pbuh's story. This is the place you face when you are praying, go see it! There are millions of people circling around it and praying to it. It is very peaceful when you have the correct intention (not just there for eating, sleeping, and you stay around the kabaa more often).

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago

Such a wonderful place and you'll yearn to go agai...

Such a wonderful place and you'll yearn to go again and again. Need to bear in mind that not everything & every person there are doing the right thing. For example, bringing back a piece of Kaaba's cloth for luck which is clearly khurafat.

About Kaaba

Kaaba: The Ultimate Destination for Islamic Pilgrimage

The city of Mecca and the surrounding areas are unsurpassed in its historical and religious significance to more than 1.9 billion people around the world. Mecca is the holiest city in the world in Islam, and it is home to one of the most sacred sites in Islam, Kaaba.

Kaaba is a cube-shaped structure located at the center of Masjid al-Haram, which is also known as Grand Mosque. It is believed that Kaaba was built by Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Ismail (AS) as a house of worship for Allah SWT.

Every year millions of Muslims from all over the world visit Mecca to perform Hajj or Umrah, which are two of the most important pillars of Islam. During these pilgrimages, Muslims perform Tawaf around Kaaba seven times while reciting prayers and supplications.

Apart from its religious significance, Kaaba has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. It has been destroyed and rebuilt several times throughout history due to natural disasters or human conflicts.

Today, Kaaba stands tall as a symbol of unity among Muslims worldwide. It serves as a reminder that no matter where we come from or what language we speak, we are all equal before Allah SWT.

At, we strive to provide our customers with an unforgettable experience during their pilgrimage to Mecca. We offer a wide range of services including visa processing, flight booking, hotel reservations, transportation arrangements and much more.

Our team consists of experienced professionals who have years of experience in providing top-notch services to our clients. We understand that performing Hajj or Umrah can be overwhelming for many people; therefore we make sure that our clients feel comfortable throughout their journey.

We take pride in being one of the leading travel agencies specializing in Islamic pilgrimage tours worldwide. Our goal is not only to provide excellent services but also to ensure that our clients have an enriching spiritual experience during their journey.

In conclusion, if you're planning on performing Hajj or Umrah anytime soon then look no further than! We guarantee you an unforgettable experience filled with spirituality and comfort at every step along your journey towards fulfilling this important pillar within Islam!