Reviews 7
Most recent
4 years ago

Kindness does not seem to find them very much asos...

Kindness does not seem to find them very much asosiaal pay so much blasting for municipality and see what I get in return nice that money that goes to municipality and if a dog you are treated laugh they do not even feel unfriendly I have feeling as a foreigner you not egt welcome never have I experienced such a nasty municipality But they can enjoy money wowwww

4 years ago


About Gemeente Beverwijk

Gemeente Beverwijk: Your Ultimate Guide to Living, Working, and Doing Business in the City

Are you planning to move to Beverwijk or Wijk aan Zee? Or perhaps you're already a resident looking for information about local government services, events, and news? Look no further than Gemeente Beverwijk's website.

Gemeente Beverwijk is the official website of the city of Beverwijk and its surrounding village of Wijk aan Zee. It serves as a one-stop-shop for all things related to living, working, and doing business in this vibrant community.

Whether you're a newcomer or a long-time resident, Gemeente Beverwijk has something for everyone. Here's what you can expect from this comprehensive online resource:

Wonen en Leven (Living)

The "Wonen en Leven" section of Gemeente Beverwijk's website provides valuable information about housing options, schools, healthcare facilities, public transportation routes and schedules. You can also find out about local parks and recreational areas where you can enjoy outdoor activities with your family or friends.

If you're new to the area or just looking for ways to get involved in your community, check out the "Verenigingen" page which lists various clubs and organizations that cater to different interests such as sports teams or cultural groups.

Ondernemen (Doing Business)

For entrepreneurs who are interested in starting their own business in Beverwijk or Wijkaan Zee , Gemeente Beverwijks' "Ondernemen" section offers resources on how to register your company with the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel), obtain necessary permits/licenses from local authorities ,and access funding opportunities through various government programs.

You can also find information on networking events where you can meet other business owners in your industry as well as training courses that will help improve your skills as an entrepreneur.

Bestuur en Organisatie (Government Services)

The "Bestuur en Organisatie" section is where residents can access important information about municipal services such as waste management schedules ,taxes payment procedures ,and emergency contacts . You'll also find details on how to apply for passports/IDs at City Hall (Stadhuis) along with other essential documents like birth certificates/marriage licenses .

If there are any issues affecting your neighborhood that require attention from local officials such as potholes on roads or broken streetlights then use this platform report them so they may be addressed promptly by relevant authorities .

Nieuws (News)

Stay up-to-date with all things happening around town by checking out Gemeente Bevewrijks' "Nieuws" page which features articles covering everything from upcoming events like festivals/concerts taking place within city limits down announcements regarding road closures due construction work being carried out within municipality limits .

Maak online een afspraak voor burgerzaken

One unique feature offered by Gemeenten Bevewrijk is its ability allow residents make appointments online when it comes accessing municipal services like applying/renewing passports/IDs etc. This saves time spent waiting at City Hall while ensuring efficient service delivery .


In conclusion,Gemeenten Bevewrijk is an invaluable resource for anyone living within municipality limits whether they be newcomers seeking guidance settling into their new home town long-time residents looking stay informed latest developments affecting their neighborhoods . With its user-friendly interface coupled wealth useful content available across multiple sections catering different needs ranging from housing options down obtaining necessary permits/licenses start businesses; there really isn't much left wanting when it comes finding reliable source information pertaining life within city limits!

Gemeente Beverwijk

Gemeente Beverwijk
