Reviews 13
Most recent
11 months ago

DRTx BREACHED my HIPAA rights and sent a false claims letter on 6/23/23.

DRTx left me worse off AFTER I applied for their "legal services", than I was without them in April 2023. I sought their support from them after receiving medical ADA denials/ denials of medical care in MyChart Messages from doctors. DRTx insisted that I signed their release to obtain my 2023 medical records. I signed their release to obtain January 2023-current medical records that included MyChart Messages which contained the ADA denials/denials of care. Without my knowledge, on 6/23/23, DRTx sent a letter to the medical Provider requesting records from JUNE 2021 (18 months EARLIER) while the release authorized records from January 2023. The letter claimed that DRTx "represented me in a legal matter". However, DRTx never provided a legal representation agreement, at any point in time. DRTx then denied me legal support claiming that my case was "meritless".

I requested my DRTx case file on July 9th and received it from them on July 13th. In It, I discovered that they NEVER obtained nor REVIEWED ANY MyChart Message records in my medical file. However, it was the only reason that I had signed their HIPAA release. How could DRTx truly claim that my case was meritless when they never obtained nor reviewed my critical evidence that was referenced in my DRTx intake form and in all record communications with them, from April to July 2023?

The case file contained a fraudulent letter and the concealed HIPAA breach of unauthorized medical records but no MyChart Message records whatsoever. When I reported the fraud and HIPAA breach to the DRTx Legal Director, in a July 14th email he attempted to deny them. He refused my calls that day.

On July 17th, he called, so I recorded him for evidence. At the onset of the call, he attempted to deny the legal violations but as the call progressed, he admitted that he was aware that no legal representation agreement existed in my DRTx case file AND that DRTx had received, and concealed, unauthorized medical records. When I pointed out that DRTx denied me federally-funded legal services for ADA violations under false pretenses since DRTx never obtained nor reviewed MyChart Message records, he got angry and said that DRTx does not submit DOJ complaints against the medical Provider for ADA violations.

I sent Patty Anderson, DRTx Deputy Director, a letter notifying her of the numerous legal violations committed by her Staff Attorneys.

Luckily, I had help and submitted a DOJ complaint with the DRTx case file and recordings of DRTx AND reported the ADA violations that DRTx attempted to deny.

Ironically, when DRTx participated in tampering with evidence of HIPAA-protected medical records, it validated my ADA denial claim, even more.

3 years ago

Update: I got in touch with the attorney's supervi...

Update: I got in touch with the attorney's supervisor through another DRTx location who seemed upset that the attorney had been blatantly ignoring calls and emails. I am glad that they got the process started but the draft of accounts was completely inaccurate so I'm waiting...again.

A month later, I was told the draft was finished but the assistant had failed to send it. A week later, I have not received it. The supervisor has informed me that my contact will be sending me the complaint to file myself...I guess I've been dropped?? I applied 4 April and was ignored for months after signing--Why am I dropped and not the coordinator?

Since I signed the agreement, I have not been able to get a hold of my contact. The contract states that they will take 50% of the settlement ...maybe they changed their minds since I said I wanted training for the employees over compensation. Maybe my contact is on vacation as another review suggests. I may look into if they get anything for amount of contracts signed rather than closed cases.

4 years ago

How this place has 5 stars is beyond me, as I have...

How this place has 5 stars is beyond me, as I have no doubt it's from employees who work there that are told just to rate it high for 'reasons'. But let me explain the reality of the situation, and I hope somewhere out there someone can direct me to a disability services that can actually assist me.

Maybe I'm just in the wrong here, but let me explain. I'm epileptic, I've been through over 40 jobs in less than 8 years, terminated from every job due to an epileptic episode. I wasn't sure what to do, since losing a lot of jobs can blacklist you from all kinds of employment. I came here to the Disability Services to get some help (any help), as my health is become worse the more epileptic episodes I have. 4 months of talking to these people, and we haven't even started Step 1. Constant calling, appointments always being canceled, being directed to workers who are on vacation and never told about their status even though everyone in the office is fully aware of said worker being away for a while yet I still have my calls transferred to these absent employees when anyone else could have helped at a more timely manner. The place is a huge joke and poorly, poorly organized.

Perhaps being epileptic is not a disability and I'm just being selfish. Maybe that's the issue? But I hear various people who are getting benefits from disability services for being epileptic only after losing about 3 jobs from it. So I'm not sure what to believe. I understand my goals and what I need to do in order to work at a non-epileptic environment, however that requires skill-sets and education. I can't afford education because I can't keep a job... and I've tried for 8 years and I continue to search because I'll fall further into debt if I don't continue. Thankfully, the internet is around so I'm self taught in my skill-sets, but I need more feedback in regards to my work.

I just hope this message warns those who are under going this establishment. I've been treated very poorly here and I'm just looking for any kind of help since my health is getting worse. There are areas I can be placed in so my health can becomes better... but I need help getting there.

So if anyone reads this review, please guide those to the appropriate place so they get the help they need.

Disability Rights Texas

Disability Rights Texas
