D'Appolonia Centro Olio Val D'Agri

D'Appolonia Centro Olio Val D'Agri Review

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3 years ago

From a land as splendid as southern Italy to an in...

From a land as splendid as southern Italy to an industrial monster at the expense of citizens and the interests of local and national institutions in exchange for anything but nothing but poisons and pollution that surely local politics have their responsibilities but power is much more strong than anything else in the face of the ignorant but good people who allowed all this from a splendid uncontaminated land like southern Italy.

3 years ago

A monster stands out in the spectacular panorama o...

A monster stands out in the spectacular panorama of this corner of Basilicata close to the Pollino National Park. The tourist is incredulous and thrilled at how the economic and personal interests of a few have been able to overwhelm the right of most to live and enjoy a healthy and spectacular habitat. Shame!

3 years ago

One of the many failures of Italian politics.

One of the many failures of Italian politics.
20 years of lies, billions never seen, you would have earned twice as much with the typical products of the place by placing on the market something unique, rare, preserving its integrity over time because yes, we could live on these things but obviously we prefer the fossil to the renewable, McDonald's at the local rotisserie, olive oil do we want to talk about it? So much in their immense tables you will never find Tunisian oil that unfortunately we find an upside-down nation throughout Italy, where for 30 years we have contributed to the immense growth of their pluri-currents "let me pass the term. We are now in duty to take it from the chest this situation because who should have done it has never done it. I hope you close soon because I don't want to leave my land, the California of Italy, a dream that many envy.

3 years ago

"The COVA of Viggiano is a COLABRODO"

"The COVA of Viggiano is a COLABRODO"
The events of the losses from the Cova and the wells are as old as the Cova itself: only as far as we know from the news, for example, the news dates back to 19 March 2002 that "companies commissioned by Eni have begun to reclaim a lake completely covered with oil near the Viggiano oil center ". And so, gradually over time up to that January 23, 2017 (as we always learn from news reports) when the presence of hydrocarbons is detected in the pond of the purifier of the industrial area owned by ASI, but only on February 13 2017 Eni sends a communication of the discovery of water contaminated "probably with hydrocarbons" and on 18 February that "the point of origin of the hydrocarbon spill has been ascertained ... in one of the stabilized crude oil storage tanks". However, only on 4 May 2017, at the table convened in Rome by the Ministry of the Environment, Eni communicated that, according to its own estimates, about 400 tons of crude oil would have spilled into the subsoil from August 2016 on an area of approximately 6,000 square meters and therefore the environmental emergency is clarified at the national level. Finally, only on 22 June 2017 is it declared that it is a significant accident at Cova di Viggiano.

3 years ago

Really congratulations for ruining our valley .......

Really congratulations for ruining our valley ...... I still don't understand how the farms near the COVA still manage to produce milk, cheese, vegetables etc.
Congratulations again to the powerful to those who have worked hard to fill their pockets at the expense of the health of citizens.
Unfortunately our world has ruined it and there won't be a second one.
Go away to fans ..............

D'Appolonia Centro Olio Val D'Agri

D'Appolonia Centro Olio Val D'Agri
