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About AGC of Washington

AGC of Washington: Building a Better Climate for Construction

AGC of Washington is the leading professional association of contractors in the state of Washington. The organization is committed to promoting and advancing the interests of its members, who are involved in all aspects of construction, from building roads and bridges to erecting skyscrapers.

Founded in 1920, AGC of Washington has a long history of advocating for the construction industry. The organization represents more than 600 member companies that employ over 25,000 workers throughout the state. Its members include general contractors, specialty contractors, suppliers, and service providers.

AGC of Washington's mission is to build a better climate for construction by providing its members with education, advocacy, and networking opportunities. The organization offers a wide range of training programs designed to help its members stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices. These programs cover topics such as safety training, project management skills development, leadership training and more.

In addition to education programs AGC also provides advocacy services on behalf their members at both local and national levels. They work closely with government officials to ensure that laws and regulations affecting the construction industry are fair and reasonable. They also advocate for policies that promote economic growth through infrastructure investment.

One way AGC advocates for their member companies is by providing access to resources like legal advice or insurance coverage at discounted rates through partnerships with other organizations or businesses within their network.

Another key benefit offered by AGC membership is networking opportunities which allow professionals within this field connect with one another while sharing ideas about how they can improve their businesses together as well as learn from each other's experiences.

The organization also hosts events throughout the year including conferences seminars workshops webinars etc., where attendees can learn about new technologies or techniques being used in construction projects across different industries around world while meeting potential clients or partners who may be interested in working together on future projects.

Overall AGC Of Washington has been instrumental in shaping policy decisions related not only towards improving conditions within this sector but also towards creating an environment conducive enough so that it can continue thriving into future generations making it an essential part any contractor’s toolkit looking succeed today tomorrow alike!

AGC of Washington

AGC of Washington
