4 years ago


I book a glucose breath test for today 31/12 at 9.
First of all, in acceptance, they do not want the electronic prescription, let alone the CUP operator, when you mention that you are in possession of an electronic prescription, he tells you that it is mandatory to present the press. Then trying to print it in the hospital seems like a titanic operation.
To solve the impasse, the shift operator sends me to the ward to ask if they accepted the electronic prescription.
Arrived in the ward and I was told in the first instance that the breath test is not done there, but on the ground floor. I point out that it was the door operator who sent me there. Later I was told that the doctor who does that particular test would certainly not come. I ask why the test was then booked! To which he tries to get in touch with the doctor, who does not answer the call. After a few minutes of waiting I am told that the doctor is sick, that if I wanted I could go back on January 9, or leave my data so the doctor as soon as possible would contact me to schedule a new test. I decide to leave.
Badness, disorganization and no respect for patients.
Ah ... I forgot: the test was booked with the health service.
I wonder if the treatment would have been the same if I had done it on a private visit. I do not think so.


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