4 years ago

Checked out her gallery earlier this year and here...

Checked out her gallery earlier this year and here are my thoughts:

Calling some of the "art" Bekman gallery represents and sells "appropriation" "art" (as the gallery owner does in her blog) is like calling a meth dealer a "pharmaceutical company representative". You can't legitimize theft by dressing it up with a fancy title.

The only thing more pathetic than the fraud that is Richard Price's "art", is the even lower, bottom-feeding fraud of a gallery that does not even have the cojones to admit that it sells plagiarisms of Richard Price's plagiarisms.

This gallery needs to grow some balls and admit that "creating a new work that raises questions about... the digital age and copyright policy in general" is not the creation of art. And claiming it is by hiding behind pretentious, pseudo-intellectual statements like this is the most pathetic way of avoiding admission that what you are doing is flat out theft and copyright infringement.

This "gallery" is a joke.


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