3 years ago

This hospital couldn't of done a better job. I cam...

This hospital couldn't of done a better job. I came here near January of 2016 and left March of 2016, that's 2 months that i lived in this hospital. I had a rare case of acute Pancreatitis. I was in pretty bad shape and spent of what i could remember at least 2 weeks in the ICU because i was on heavy pain medications due to the pain. After everything was under control like my breathing my BP and all of that i got moved into a regular room where I spent 4 weeks recovering, being on regular food being able to drink liquids all of that. I got released mid march but shortly after that maybe a day or 2 i was back in there because a cyst formed so I had 2 or 3 procedures so that way they can drain the cyst so then spent the last week or 2 making sure i was ready to go home for good and i was that was the last time I was in the hospital. This hospital saved me and i loved all the doctors and nurses i had to help me through it and no doubt i was 15 at the time so there were services to help me for the children like movies games therapy dog they were all a great help and the best part was they gave me my own private room for the last 2 weeks cause i have been there for so long so and had to deal with all the new borns in my room so this hospital is great and i would have no doubts going here


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