R Souhait

4 years ago

Looking at other reviews, my experience is probabl...

Looking at other reviews, my experience is probably not a big surprise. Do NOT go to this hospital if there is anything wrong with you. I've had several horrible experiences. First was my grandmother. She had a major stroke and when we took her in to this hospital the ER tried to play it off as a urinary tract infection and send her home. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? " Nope! We demanded tests and (big surprise) something was very wrong. She had a MAJOR stroke. This ER can't tell a urinary tract infection vs a stroke? If you are forced to use this ER, DEMAND things be done. Demand tests, procedures, etc. If something doesn't seem right, demand demand demand. The nurses and doctors are very rude. They will only cater to people who 'cause a fuss' when they misdiagnose.

Another experience I had here was my own. One year I had a particularly horrible case of the flu. Just afterwards I began to have a migraine. Which... Did. Not. Go. Away. If you know anything about migraines, you know they are debilitating. I couldn't eat, sleep, or work. It was the WORST week of my life. The pain I felt in my head I do not wish upon anyone. I eventually went to this ER because I had no other choice. I had to seek medical help close to home. They treated me like a drug pusher. I basically begged them to help me. They put me on pain medicines, which didn't work (and don't, if you know anything about migraines). I called them later begging them for help, as the medicine didn't do anything. I was told by the nurse that "people experience pain differently and you must have low pain tolerance". Obviously this little girl was just out of high school and never had a migraine in her life... or a headache.. or any type of life experience. The doctors and nurses in person were SOO rude as well. And they were all very young.

To end this story, I eventually had to wait (in agony) for a neurologist to see me. He gave me ONE little pill... and the migraine went away. Claimed that the flu put my migraine on a 'loop' or something. I never understood it but I wanted to kiss him.

DO NOT GO TO THIS HOSPITAL. Take a longer drive somewhere else. I wouldn't go here if I was dying of blood loss. I'd cauterize my own wound with a curling iron and walk to Hershey before I'd set foot in here.

Hospital misdiagnoses and accidents are extremely common on average. Throw in inexperienced staff, rude doctors and nurses, and people who genuinely don't care about you or whether you live or die... and you have a hospital that locals, such as myself, shun.

Hope this helps someone!


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