Lisa Mansfield

4 years ago

Overall, our stay at the Villingili Resort and Sp...

Overall, our stay at the Villingili Resort and Spa was very enjoyable and I would definitely recommend it . The only thing that let it down was the way I was treated when I had to make an unplanned visit to the medical centre.
We had already called service to tell them i would like to see the doctor and to request a buggy to take us there but when we arrived the centre was in darkness.
After the doctor arrived and had examined me and diagnosed a gum infection he prescribed me with two types of antibiotics and prescription painkillers. We asked him for a receipt so that we could claim off our medical insurance when we arrived home and he assured us that it would be waiting for us at reception when we checked out on the coming Sunday.
He then called for a buggy to take us back to our villa and asked us to wait outside for it to arrive and started turning off the lights.
Outside I was shivering with cold even though it was 28degrees and I was wearing a wooly cardigan and leaning on my husband for support.
Luckily, one of your lovely resort staff came and asked me if I was ok and I said that I felt unwell and had just been prescribed medication by the resort doctor and was waiting for a buggy to take us home.
The lady told us to come back into the medical centre and take a seat while we waited for the buggy to collect us and also chased up the buggy which had still not arrived.
When we came to check out on the Sunday we asked for the medical receipt only to be told that the doctor had not forwarded to the reception and would we mind waiting for it?.
We agreed as we had an hour before our taxi to our next accommodation on the main island of Gan/Seenu had been booked to collect us for the journey.
After forty five minutes of waiting the very helpful man (Ashrav?)on reception happened to mention that the general manager of the resort was in the nearby bar so I went over and explained the situation to him.
He was great and organised drinks for us and refunded all the money that I'd spent on the medical bills and also explained to us that the service provided by the medical centre has to be outsourced to a private provider.
Ashrav also phoned up our accommodation on the main island and explained that we were running late and organised the boat to leave immediately without having to wait for anyone else.
Overall, our stay at Villingili was definitely one to remember. All of the staff were friendly and very helpful, it's just a shame that the service at the outsourced medical centre let your reputation down.
We would definitely recommend the resort to family and friends, just hope that they don't require the services of the medical centre.


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