
4 years ago

I joined RCFG 12 months ago by pure chance (and la...

I joined RCFG 12 months ago by pure chance (and laziness) as it was the closest gym to where I work. At the time I didn't even know what CrossFit was. Like many others I had come from a background of doing little to no physical activity for 10+ years and spending my days sat behind a desk.

I had little expectations for myself upon joining besides hopefully lose some weight and genuinely expected myself to give up or quit within 6 months. I expected myself to hate it but considered it a necessary evil. After the initial introduction sessions with Walt I jumped into the group workouts and have never in my life been met with such an accepting and welcoming community. I felt at home within just a few sessions and any pre-existing fears or aprehensions I had around a gym environment were gone.

I started doing 1-1 personal training sessions with Walt in the New Year and started to see huge improvements in a short space of time. I was both surprised and impressed with the amount of time and effort Walt had put into preparing each session and tailoring it precisely to not only my goals but my current level of fitness and strength too. Each session pushed me perfectly to my limit but never broke me.

Soon afterwards I took up Nutritional Coaching with Rosie as, despite knowing the obvious differences between what is good food and what is bad food, I had no idea what my body actually needed in terms of nutrition and what it used it for. After a few months it all came together - I genuinely feel like I have a solid understanding of how my body works and how to adapt and tailor my eating to suit what I'm doing on a daily or weekly basis. Again, the level of preparation and support received by Rosie during this was second to none. You really do feel that all of the coaches here are personally looking out for both your physical as well as mental wellbeing and will go out of their way to help you.

To anyone out there who is looking for a gym whether it's to get yoursef into fitness for the very first time, as I did, or someone from another gym who wants more than to just turn up and lift weights by yourself for hours on end then I cannot recommend anywhere more than RCFG. You will come here to join a gym and leave having gained a family.


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