Peter Macleod

3 years ago

Let's face it, it's a base primarily for nuclear s...

Let's face it, it's a base primarily for nuclear submarines armed with missiles seventy percent of people in Scotland don't want and it's in Scotland. That's why it's getting three stars. Nuclear weapons make us a target, and if you think otherwise is true you need to look up Mutually Assured Destruction and realise that the flaw in that is that it only takes one nuclear armed state to lose the plot and MAD fails instantly.

Facilities, not bad back when I was there several years ago and doubtless improved; you've got to give the English lads something to occupy themselves indoors out of the way of all those midgies.

Pity about the nuclear subs. No problem with the minehunters and patrol boats; no one ever got irradiated by one of those.


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