Benjamin Cramer
Review of Barcocina

4 years ago

Worst Customer service I have ever seen

Worst Customer service I have ever seen

I will never go to this bar again, and I would strong advise you avoid it too. The staff has no concept of tact, customer service, or discretion. I was there with my girlfriend this weekend. She had an tab open at the bar and they had her credit card. She ordered a drink at the bar later and, I can't say for sure, either forgot to give them her name or she gave it to them and they couldn't hear her in the loud bar. Simple misunderstanding right? What happened next is where it all went wrong. We were standing around talking, only 10 feet from the bar. We hadn't left, we weren't hiding or running, we were standing in plain site right by the bar. In stead of a server coming over and politely asking for the name on the tab so they could put the drink on it, several employees came over in a group, formed a half circle around her, and accused her of stealing drinks and then demanded that we leave. It was a simple mis-understanding they responded as aggressively and over the top as they possibly could have. She left and I, as an innocent bystander thus far, stayed and demanded that they return her credit card before I would leave. They refused to give me the card back. After enough insisting, I was escorted to the back side of the bar and someone else was sent to get her card. I was then told that they didn't have the card. I called the police to report that they had stolen the card and while we were waiting for the officer to arrive, they 'found' it. I should add for context that she was not drunk, nor was our friend, and I, as the DD, was completely sober and hadn't had a single drink. It was a simple misunderstanding. All it would have taken to fix this was a polite tap on the shoulder... "Sorry mis, I didn't catch the name for the tab." In stead they approached in a threatening manner, accused us of stealing, demanded that we leave, and refused to return our property. This wasn't an inattentive waiter, some undercooked meat or a drink spilled in my lap. I can forgive that. This was planned and premeditated behavior that is beyond excusable.


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