John Bronson

4 years ago

The Birthplace of Beef's!

The Birthplace of Beef's!

Walking into this Beef's recently with a group of my best friends brought back a LOT of memories!
Memories of walking into the ONLY Beef 'O' Brady's in existence and being greeted by its founder, Mister Jim 'Beef 'O' Brady's' Mellody!
Those were some wonderfully wild days of wingin' it!

It was especially heartwarming as we entered, to see a large portrait of Jim Mellody on the wall just inside the door.
I looked up at that picture and commented "Well Hello, Jim!", followed by hearing a voice asking "Did you know my father?".
As I turned my head, we were greeted by a young man who introduced himself as Sean Mellody, saying "He's my dad!". THAT was really cool!
All of us had personal remembrances of Beef's creator that we briefly shared with son, Sean. Awesome stuff!

Of course, most of us ordered Traditional WINGS with Beef's Signature Buffalo sauce. I ordered mine as I always have, just a bit crispy with a side of Ranch!
What I got was EXACTLY what I remember getting on that very first way-back-when Beef's visit. That was some of the best two-handed chicken wing saucy gnawing ever! As I looked around our table all I saw was happy campers with 3-year old messy faces! YES!

My fine group did order something that wasn't offered back in 1985.
Fried Pickles.
Man! If we'd had those back then along with the wings, Mr Mellody would have renamed the place Beef OHHHHHHHH Brady's!!

Ha Ha!

Sometimes Nostalgia plays a dirty trick on us.
That saying, 'You can't go back home', comes to mind.
But, as we were breathing in this original Beef's atmosphere, remembering the tables are a little crowded, and reliving bulky tube TV's blaring ballgame cheers, all things became clear.
This little cradle of Beef's infancy still brings comfort and comfort food to Beef's alumni, old and new....

Thanks for the memories, Mr Mellody.


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