Critic of myself

3 years ago

Absolute nightmarish customer service!

Absolute nightmarish customer service!
Called to inquire about availability and price of a new car...a person named Angel answered the phone. He sounded upset and fed up. When tried to tell him to be calm he got even more upset and started talking as he was doing me a huge favor. When tried to tell him that I am a potential customer and expect better service he started talking over me and HUNG UP the phone. Called back to speak with someone in management to explain the experience but no one was available. When tried to explain to the phone rep Fatima how bad the service was and that I have a good friend who works at a Lindsay, a different location, and takes pride in how well he serves the customers and how well he represents the name Lindsay, her answer was, "are you threatening me?" At that point I knew it's not just one individual who is in need of basic customer service training...
The answers to the bad reviews are comforting to read but dont appear to have any resolution. My two calls were recorded please use them to better yourself and as a training resource.
Glad it happened before not after...


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