Review of Governor's Club

4 years ago

Exclusive, definitely elusive to most including my...

Exclusive, definitely elusive to most including myself (it is certainly an "Old Boys Club") fine dining restaurant that caters to the locally wealthy as well as the obnoxious clique of lawmakers who invade the capital city on an annual basis for a few months around spring time to indulge or be indulged by those whose insanely overpaid job it is to ruthlessly & relentlessly pursue whichever lawmaker & their prospective "bill" which they seek to influence its contents and/or it's passage or one which they intend to trash/smear by casting a less than positive spin or simply lie through their teeth to bury legislation their political party wants to do away with ....

Regardless which one of these endless scenarios the "lobbyist" wishes to "legally influence" the dinner check is, in all actuality, picked up (paid) by the incredibly naiive, unassuming or "far too trusting" taxpayer in the end, not by the obscenely overpaid 'lobbyist' .... SOOOOO MUCH MONEY is spent in this deceitfully devious yet somehow legal practice esp at this place.

Ironically, the Governor's Club is likely one of the better places to get an honest, artisanal culinary experience in a city inexplicably devoid (well, it's verrry hard to find) of any REAL, truly inspirational cuisine, restaurants & chefs. I know the industry all too well & if you get to dine here, I would bet the consensus is summed up with "it was good but not great" then again, a majority of diners during session aren't there for the food.

They're there to influence, convince, persuade, pushed, prod, trick, pressure, cajole, even bribe or blackmail (or on the opposite end) .... or quite simply to buy their way into a supposedly sacred, nation founding concept then slime their through & around any watered down oversight that managed to find it's place in this sham of a "legal process" - for shame, for shame.


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