Charlie Henry

4 years ago

My biggest regret is that I didn t join sooner.

My biggest regret is that I didn t join sooner.

I joined RCFG in December 2018 after my girlfriend had joined few months before and kept telling me how much I d enjoy it. I was little unsure at first as heard a few people not rate CrossFit and I was currently a member at a commercial gym and had fallen out of love with training so I decided I d take the plunge, give it ago and judge for myself.

It has easily been one of the best thing I have done, not just physically but also mentally. Everyone at the box is so friendly and welcoming, both coaches and members make those first day nerves you get disappear straight away. My outlook on training and fitness goals have changed since joining RCFG. Before, all goals were based on how I looked. However since training at RCFG my outlook has changed and getting that first muscle up, double under, handstand hold or what ever that goal is will be a lot more rewarding than any image based gym goal, that s for sure.

The standard of coaching is brilliant and although this is the only CrossFit box I have been a member of, I have dropped into a few box s in the uk and whilst on holiday, I seriously feel very lucky to be a member at RCFG. The coaches genuinely want to see you progress to become a fitter and stronger version of yourself. Most importantly they want to make sure you are having fun and enjoying training as well.

You may hear about CrossFit being a community and before I joined I didn t really believe it. All gyms I have been to before have been very clicky but that certainly isn t the case with CrossFit and at RCFG. The hard work Dan, Rosie and the team put in day in day out really shows. Thanks to all you guys and thanks for letting me be a member at your box.

If you re in two minds about joining, pop along, stick your head through the door, say hi and you will never look back.


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