Princess Games

3 years ago

Hello, I am a YouTuber with almost 100,000 subscri...

Hello, I am a YouTuber with almost 100,000 subscribers. I have numerous videos documenting this but I thought I should leave a review for the people of Hollywood, Florida.

May 18th 2017 3 Police officers came into my house when I was 13 at the time, now 14. They broke my bedroom door down while I was using the restroom without clothing on. The man proceeded to scream at me through the door and got out a tool to attempt to pick the lock with when I told him I didn't have clothing on. He kept screaming at me to "hurry up." I was so scared to be targeted by a 40+ year old man that I started crying and hyperventilating. I was home alone with my grandmother at the time and had no man in the house to protect me. I ended up leaving the bathroom in a shirt and underwear feeling exposed and vulnerable.

I cried while pleading to put shorts on and the man screamed "no" at me 4 times while looking my body up and down. I didn't know what to do and why I was being denied of clothes but this was only the beginning.

I thought if I couldn't have underwear on, I at least wanted my shoes. The man said no with a very stern and domineering look on his face.

What happened was a guy located in Poland swatted me. He basically made a false call to the Police making up a story that would alert them to come to my house. They did not look into it at all.

When I tried explaining the story I was screamed at for crying which made it even worse. Long story short, they chose not to believe me. I was forcefully brought into my bedroom and pushed up against this man in my underwear and was fondled while being handcuffed. He put them on way to tight to the point where they were digging into my skin.

There was also a man with a flashlight who I don't remember the name of but he attempted to go through my personal computer's history, a Macbook Pro which I paid for with money from my job as a YouTuber.

As he left my room he purposefully knocked over my basket of clean, just washed laundry to be a scummy person who wanted to hurt me in any way possible because that was his fun.

I was then brought outside exposed in my underwear. My grandmother rushed over with a pair of shorts and slid them on me. It was very humiliating but the officers seemed to love every second of it.

I asked for help getting into the Police van. (Why was I, a little girl handcuffed and being treated like a criminal when I've never committed a crime in my life?)

I was once again denied and was forced to jump into the van. I bruised my arm because it hit up against the metal in the process of getting into the car while handcuffs were digging into my skin.

In the car comments were made that made me very uncomfortable. In my head I was freaking out but I had to keep a calm demeanor because I was scared of the two armed men who seemed to have power over me.

I was told that "if I were normal I would've found his partner," another male officer in his late 30's-early 40's "cute/attractive." I was disgusted.

We eventually made it to my local hospital. "Hospital?" I wondered. Why a hospital? The car door was opened and I jumped out. I was so humiliated. My hair was unbrushed, I was in extremely short shorts that kept riding up exposing me, aggressively handcuffed and I was barefoot, forced to walk on the hot ground covered in garbage and old chewed up pieces of gum. All while people in cars passing by, staring, laughing at me.

I was brought inside and the man who assaulted me filled out a police report saying I "threw a fit with hysteria" after being questioned about something "I'd done." He also tried diagnosing me with Bi-polar disorder, Depression and "Mania" which Isn't even a mental disorder but a side effect of a mental disorder.

I was forced to stay in a Psych Unit for 4 days against my will. The doctor was even confused as to why I was there.

Shortly after my stay there I posted a video about it and their boss saw it and actually came to my house in fear that I'd take legal actions. He called their actions "unprofessional" and brushed off all of my claims.


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