4 years ago

Review based on weekday and weekend

Review based on weekday and weekend
Ambiance: 6/10
Food: 7/10
Price: 6/10
Value: 6/10
Service: 7/10
Cleanliness: 7/10
Kids Friendliness: 7/10
Speed of Service: 5/10
Speed of Serving: 5/10
Food Freshness: 8/10
Quietness: 7/10
Queue: No
Wi-Fi: Yes
Baby chair: Yes
Air-Con: Yes
Outdoor: Yes
Recommended: Yes
Will I come back? : Yes
Remarks: Carpark accessibility is fine but quite a bit of walking, room is ok perhaps some upgrades and Aromatic or Fragrance ascent. If can add some light music around lobby or lounge will bring up some nice atmosphere.


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