Daniel Romine

4 years ago


Cardinal surprised me by calling and wanting to discuss my previous review, they wanted the chance to make things right or work something out. Apparently up till a month ago they had been using a customer service provider that had racked up a lot of the previous complaints, mine included. In terms of ISP access, I am still not really able to use the internet after 7 pm (ping between 200-700) because too many people are getting on and overloading the servers, however Cardinal agreed it wasn't fair to charge me for internet that I can't use during the most utilized time every day and actually credited me back the last month and advised they wouldn't charge me till they got it fixed. While this is not an ideal situation since I still have limited access, it at least shows they are trying and will be reasonable so I will stick it out till they can get it resolved, when they do i will bump my rating up to at least 4 stars.


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