Brooke Parsons

4 years ago

I wish this review was for something in regards wi...

I wish this review was for something in regards with a case and me actually interacting but no. A very nasty receptionist took my call and made it nearly impossible to get connected with the correct attorney. There was a little noise in my background which she heard as she answered so I'm assuming thats what she caught an attitude about. I did however let her know I was changing rooms which is why I had choppy communication the first 3 seconds of our convo. in so many words after that apology she basically says what do i need? excuse me, i thought you offered help. Im confused at this point because Im not sure who im even speaking with. I tell her who sent me and why. She acts as if Im not giving enough info to be transferred, then when I get a little more specific she's repeating my words back to me in a confusing tone; again NOT HELPING. I simply explain now im confused because i have no clue who I am speaking with, I dont know what info you want from me or why Im giving it to you (even though i did & specifically stated a "employment dispute" each time after i told you why i called) because i have no clue who you are..while im speaking she cuts me off telling me to hold and wait and she sends my call (to the correct attorney because she knew the whole time she was just being difficult towards me for the duration of our call) I honeslty felt discouraged from speaking up on phone because of the unneeded aggressiveness in her tone the whole convo. ..Im sure she doesnt reflect what this company has to offer and I still may continue on with them (if im able to bypass her)

just throwing caution to the wind.


When she sent my call, noone answered and I called back twice. The first time she sent my number straight to voicemail the time after that she let it ring. Im taking this so personal because I KNOW it is. Funny how I'm calling about an employment dispute with the same time of world. I know this game all too well. My out of town area code makes me sure of it being on purpose.


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