The Truth Designer
Review of Array Marketing

3 years ago



_ love to be bossed around by an incompetent manager ? Than this IS the place for you !

_ 70 hour/week overtime with no pay or compensation ? This IS the place for you!
_ Late paychecks or tax forms and then calling you unprofessional for bringing it up ? This IS the place for you !

_ you have to do exactly what you are told, that includes the manager going to the bathroom to check if you are working and at your desk :)

_ you are expected to do overtime, i have done 70 more hours a week as a designer and only been paid 40 hours/week.

_ you are been talked down like a child when questioning a design/process

_ your time at Array is worthless, every designer going into Array should know this. If you a fresh student needing a job, i recommend you go be a kitchen designer at Home depot, you will gain more experience and probably make more money than working there as a slave. Do not bother applying here and think that this adds to your CV...hahaha ! If you have worked in the retail industry or have worked now for a few months at Array then you must have realized you are completely #@$%$@ !!!!

This literally sees you in bad light after you have worked here and you are put in a basket of bad apples since the company all together is just incompetent.

Advice to Management :
There are 2 industrial design managers: the one that is at the main location, meaning the one that has the office with the view (not the one that was actually competent and that you shoved into a box in the back) should not be trusted.

Within the first year i have worked there, I have seen exactly 11 designers leave; either because they were fed up with the management and struggled to find another job or just couldn't take it anymore and would rather be jobless.


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