Matthew Hutchinson

4 years ago

My mother-in-law passed away earlier this year. My...

My mother-in-law passed away earlier this year. My wife was the executor on her will. She discovered that her Mom was behind on her home equity loan payments and JP Morgan Chase was about to start foreclosure proceedings on her Mom's house. My wife retained an attorney to work with JP Morgan to work out a settlement so the outstanding debit could be paid off. A buyer made an offer, and a contract was drawn up. The closing took place and the money owed Chase was wired to them. That same night, my wife received a phone call from her brothers saying that they received notice that the house was forclosed on. Numerous attempts that night and the next day to contact Chase's mortgage department over the phone and at a local branch got us nowhere. They would not discuss why foreclosure papers were served. My wife presented court surrogate papers, ID, and copies of her Mom's death certificate to the bank so the account could be discussed. That was still not good enough. We are currently working with our attorney to resolve this.

We did our part of the deal to avoid this from happening. Both my wife and I are both exhausted mentally and physically. I looked at my wife today and can see that stress has taken it's toll on her. My heart aches for her.

Is this how corporate America works, through greed, harassment, and intimidation? I can't make this stuff up, this is what happened.

It makes me sick to think how your CEO who makes 29.5 million dollars a year off the backs of hard working, honest people, can sleep at night. Shame on you JP Morgan Chase.

Oh, and don't send me any more junk mail offers for your credit cards. I will never do business with your inhuman company, EVER.


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