Vrnk LPcrz

4 years ago

While visiting a family member there I was extreme...

While visiting a family member there I was extremely disappointed that our Vetrans have to deal with incompetent medical staff. Our family member was moved from ICU to the 7th floor. Where the CMA (one in particular short with white hair or super lite blonde hair was so rude and disrespectful not only to nurses but the patients as well . I tried to reas her badge to see her position and name and it was flipped. One of the medical staff said she was a CMA. Walked over to ask for help and see if I could get some towels for our family who is there with cancer and she gave me the talked to be had answer. She was hand in my face and shake her head gesturing know and said not me find someone else. all I said was is there anyone you can direct me to to get what we need to continue to shake her head and say not me find someone else. I assume she was doing something very important and was I don t know maybe a charge nurse her a scientist because she was just on the computer the whole time. come to find out she was just CMA. She was loud and when one of the great nurses or should I say one of two of great nurses who is caring for a family member asked her to please slow down and not make so much noise she looked at I m smart and when even harder and louder. The medical staff that came in to do his vitals it was very hard to understand their words I don t if it was an accident thing or what but very hard to understand and when they went into the room the bank on everything and it times it come in with no gown or gloves or mask as it stated on the door to do so. The medical staff that came in to do his vitals where loud banging the machine into trash cans and wall. It was hard to understand there are words I don t know if it was an accent thing or what but very hard to understand and when they went into the room. At times they d come in with no gown a gloves and a mask as it stated on the door to do so. Luckily my family members wife or I cut them before they went all the way in. The patient next door was allowed to have the TV full blast and when asked if he could lower the volume the evening nurse who was little nicer seemed scared to even ask the patient to lower the TV. There were two amazing nurses Chris and a charge nurse Who I believe her name was Deanna or Deanne. I walked around and read the post on note of the walls on that floor regarding patient care and team work as staff. In paper it all sounds good but in person it s not there. These are sick Veterans some worse than others. I see no empathy no actual nurse and patient care. Like I said I was there A week and the only two were the ones mentioned and two CMA Grace and Kim who sadly weren t there much and only seen them once while there. The house keeping men that were there OMG loud, and rude and super noisy. I am sorry I am married to a RN Supervisor who works for LACounty for over 29yrs and loves what he does and understand the Oath of being a nurse. Who was a phlebotomist, LVN and RN and now a supervisor. I honestly think that there needs to be more medical staff that can have their speaking understood. (for those patients who have trouble hearing and understanding words due to the illness )
Lastly the 7th floor had nurse of color who slept for a good 30mins at her chair in the nurse area. I wanted to take a picture but there was other nurse around her just allowing it and I didn t want it to affect the care of our family member. When she woke up she was very flirtation with my older brother. Which we thought was crazy funny but so out of line. When I shared with my husband that she was sleeping and that occurred he was in disbelief. Then he said his only reply could be was well what could you expect it s NY. Which I said it s not cool that was not an excuse.I feel it was poor management and hiring staff need to really see who the hire. Very sad and out Veterans are treated to so horribly and possibly in there final days. Yes we know they get needy and are sensitive. Hello they are SCARED THEY DONT WANT TO DIE.


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