Sarah Shoup

3 years ago

Before I say our story, for those without the time...

Before I say our story, for those without the time to read, I will go ahead and say that Taracks & Associates took a 3 year minimum mandatory prison charge and we walked away with 3 years probation with early release. Every phone call to Barry gets returned the same day. All text messages get returned. All questions, he answers. You never question what is being done for you in your case, he makes sure you know. He started working on our case not even an hour after my husband s release from jail. I feel incredibly lucky to have made him my second call. My first being to a bondsman.
My husband was arrested for a road rage incident. Not understanding the full capacity of the charges brought against him. While driving home from work going about 60 mph a car pulled out of a parking lot and almost broadsided him, he had to pull into the median to avoid being hit. The other car just continued on as if nothing happened. Angered, upset - he followed the car, passed them and at the next red light got out of his vehicle to yell at them for what they did. At that point he noticed an old lady driving and an old man in the passenger seat who started yelling back at him. As it escalated the old man opened his door as if he was getting out. My husband not wanting things to escalate any more, pushed with his palm of his hand to shut the door, got back in his truck and left. Months later he was arrested and my second phone call was to Taracks & Associates due to their great feedback online. When I called they immediately wanted to know everything about the case. Name, charge, was he released yet, was he booked yet, what happened. From the very first phone call they were already putting a case and a plan together. They informed me that the second he gets released that we should go straight to see them. Not to waste any time at all. When we showed up at Taracks & Associates office, we were immediately met in the parking lot and taken into a conference room. That s where we were told that his charge was felony assault on an elderly which carried a minimum mandatory sentence of 3 years in prison. Apparently the old man s foot was in the door and he had called the police and went to see a Dr. who documented a minor scratch on the top of his foot. I myself broke down and cried. Although I was a complete mess, Barry stayed very well put together, sat across the table from us and stated I won t let him go to prison for this, don t worry. This was about the best thing that I could have been told. Because when I was told three years in jail was his best option at the moment, I felt completely hopeless and was 4 weeks pregnant with our first child. Barry informed us that although that was his charge, he was not going to waste any time getting the charges reduced before they were filled by the court. My husband s first appearance was taken care of by Barry, we were able to go home and just try to calm down. Over time Barry held true to his word and was able to get the charges reduced. But that was still just the beginning of the battle. Every court appearance the elderly man came to and sat in the front row with his wife and got a victims advocate from the court. The victims at every preliminary hearing demanded jail time. The very last preliminary hearing, Barry made sure to get one on one time with the prosecutor to try and talk a deal that was reasonable. Barry then came to tell us the deal. The first deal that did not include jail or prison time. The plea deal was 3 years probation with early release. We were happy with that. We were able to leave the court room last week with me 9 months pregnant and feeling a huge weight lifted off of our shoulders. To go from 3 years of prison being our best possible outcome, to most likely having 1.5 years probation Barry made a huge win. And it was not easy for him. The victims fought tooth and nail with him the entire way. There was no making them happy. Taracks & Associates gave my kid her first three years with her father. And that means everything.


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