Raghu Ram

4 years ago

Worst Management ever, I joined as a Sr.IT Recruit...

Worst Management ever, I joined as a Sr.IT Recruiter on Wednesday I.e. 20th November 2019. I was interviewed on 15th November I.e. on Friday.

Induction and other joining formalities completed from HR Operations team.

My reporting manager was Kavitha Nandagopal.

1st day: I agree it's new place and takes time to adjust. Office was too silent with around 40 ppl and no employee was showing interest to introduce themselves nor responding while introducing myself.

2nd Day: Tried to meet my manager to understand my responsibility and start working. She was tied up with meetings at another building little far from my office located. No one had time to meet me a new joiner had nothing to do for what am hired for. Spoken to Praveen Joseph, he just informed me that HR Head in meeting all the time I asked for her.

3rd Day: I had a CEO Meeting, Its was pretty good discussion. Liked his quote

" If you are not happy coming to office, then it's not your place to work "

That triggered my impatience, as 3 days sitting idle and none to meet from my own department for my responsibility or any other department to help me on that.

I lost my patience, decided not to continue at Impelsys.

Informed only person known was Praveen Joseph, he also left the building and moved to another building.

Finally got to meet HR Head, I stated my impatience and decided to move on, by not giving any options as it was just 3 days.

HR Head Statement: " Its very small world, will meet someday at different situation "

I felt as if it's like a threat to me.

Madam, Please understand any employee will not be willing to work under poor management unless he/she dint had choice.

Even the relieving formalities was horrible, the HRMS doesn't raise tickets to concern department to approve separation procedure.

Had to roam around every department and repetedly asking them to check if they had received the tickets.

3 days at Impelsys, Not again to think about those days.


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