B_je B_ju

3 years ago

Bogus- absolutely bogus. Unbelievable service. My...

Bogus- absolutely bogus. Unbelievable service. My case was straight forward with loads of solid proof to support my claim. Yet It took over 2 years and still ongoing. Settlement was agreed 3 months back but payment still not been made. What they have done is taken a cheeky tactic- if you sent them an email your representative solicitor will either be on holiday or they will be out of office- this is the basic and you will have to deal this throughout your case. All you will get is an automated email from them no matter what. I have more automated emails from them than the combine of my email and their actual email response. If you ring them any time through out working days you will catch them at office- guess what they will tell you regards your query ? ..." Oh I've just been back from 2 weeks holiday and I am looking all pending files in order, I will get back to you once I come across your file'. Funny thing this- they tell this every time you ring them. First few time I thought what a co-incidence, again I rang just after their holiday.. but soon you will realize its not. It can't be like that within a gap of 2 months. Although my case is agreed to settled but not completed yet, I would suggest all do not ever use this solicitors, not even by mistake. If you do, good luck and be prepared to deal the trouble you never asked for. You will need loads of painkiller and tablets to control your stress you never see coming.
From my experience only one word to describe this company - Scoundrel


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